Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Book of Nuinavar(Voice of the Ancients)

The Book of Nuinavar

(Voice of the Ancients)



    Greetings, people of Draeda. I am Nuinavar, the Voice of the Ancients. I am here to tell you what has long since been forgotten in the ancient mists of time. It has been decreed by Aл that not all should be revealed at once, but it is his wish that some should be divulged at times when it is decreed necessary. Who is he? Well that, people of Draeda, you shall soon find out.

Chapter 1.

The Birth of the Divine and the Creation of the Halls of Time

    Long ago, before the halls of time were created, there awoke a being. Aл was his name, and with him awoke Erwл. They loved each other, and loved their presence, but a thought awoke within each of them, the desire to love things other than each other, and to have something new. So they created the Aranil, whom men call the Divine. The Aranil dwelt with them for uncounted ages, as time was not yet established, and they were content. Yet again, a new desire awoke in Aл and Erwл that they should dwell in a place not of void, but a place of substance.

    But yet, they desired to not see it done of their own hands, but to allow they whom they created to take part in it. So, they gave to the Aranil the power of creation, and of destruction, that they might out of the void create a dwelling place for themselves and their creators. To each of the Aranil they gave one substance for them to govern. To Veyr, they gave governance over stone. To Eirose, they gave governance over the waters. To Ao, they gave governance over the light. And to Erebos, they gave governance over the dark.

    In this, they commanded that the Aranil make for them a dwelling place, working together for all things good and wholesome, to make it the most beautiful place one could imagine. So, with that, the Aranil set to work, each governing that which he was set over. However, they worked together, as was their desire and love for the commandment which was given them. Veyr and Eirose wrought an island of stone amidst an endless ocean. Veyr upon that island created the Mountain of perfectly shaped stone, and surrounding that island, Eirose ordered the water in chaos, so that it would not be predictable, yet through that, it was beautiful.

    Ao and Erebos also loved the commandment given them. And they took counsel upon how to create the most magnificent masterpiece containing both light and dark. They knew that if they were mixed, the result would be a dreary grey, yet guidance did Aл have for them. He told them to think not of mixing them, but rather of separating them, that they might compliment one another, much like the sea and island which Veyr and Eirose were creating. So, they created the stars and the night sky: the beautiful stars of light complimented by a dark sky. This also is why the land which they wrought is often called the land of twilight.

    Now when the land, the sea, and the sky were completed, Aл and Erwл looked upon it and saw that it was good. However, they desired more. Therefore, they set upon it and spoke shaping to the mountain, and a city was shaped of it. The city, they named Aranna, the home of the Aranil. It was thus that the Aranil saw it, and hallowed it, and loved it.

    But a new thought was shaping, that not only should the Aranil have a dwelling place, but also should Aл and Erwл. So, they set upon the summit of the mountain a palace unlike any that has been seen, or ever shall be seen. Veyr wrought it out of the peak of the mountain, and it was made of living stone, that which dies and crumbles not, but ever glitters and sparkles in the cold twilight. Eirose filled large chambers with his waters, and the walls were like glass, but much clearer because of Veyr's art. Erebos created the floor with a black marble which was so polished, that the sky above could be seen in it.

    And thus, Aл and Erwл saw that it was good and dwelt in that which they named Belen, the halls of beauty. But Ao felt it was not complete, since he had not contributed much to its building. Long he thought in his placed on the mountain, and finally, he created the eternal flame, its light was of a golden hue and its life was in the center of the dome of the citadel. In that dome alone shone of the radiance of the light, it was contained therein. In the center of the citadel of the light, the thrones of Aл and Erwл were placed, and around them shone a golden light from above.

    Now at the completion of the Citadel there were only four of the Aranil, and they were Veyr, Erebos, Ao, and Eirose. However, they were now filled with a desire to create more than just substance, they wished for company too, just as Aл and Erwл felt ere they created the Aranil. And so, they created lesser beings, they were called Seranil, and they took many forms, for the spirits of the Aranil could take form however they wished, they gave this power also to their servants, the Seranil.

    Now so great were the hosts of the Seranil that the island was filled as a large city, and so beautiful were their voices that never was there a time that the Seranil were not singing their praises of Aл and Erwл, and it is said that at the times of festival, when the Seranil filled the Citadel with their praises, and the golden light flowed about them, that even the Aranil were filled with wonder. Such praise and majesty was shown there, that none could abide it and be yet unmoved.

    In one of the many festivals, Aл stood, and Erwл beside him, and they began to sing. The halls fell silent, for such a thing had not even the Aranil imagined, beauty was entwined between each note, and such majesty unknown was revealed in them. Yet the Aranil and Seranil understood it not, but stood in awe. Then, in the dome of the Citadel, the flame began to grow brighter, until at last none could look at it directly. But, before it grew to that point, it began to split into two pieces, both of equal size and light. As the two were singing, one of the pieces shot into the floor, and the Aranil and Seranil gathered around it, for it was curious.

    They looked into the place where the floor once was, now with a large hole in it, and saw a new void, but where one of the lights had traveled. Aл then stood and commanded aloud that the Aranil and Seranil should therefore go hither and create within that void a realm more beautiful than Aranna, and to prepare it for a new creature that would come when all was made ready. And so it was that a light passed into the void, and the inhabitants of the city save Aл and Erwл descended into the new realm which was void.

    Out of it, the Aranil molded such as was first in Aranna, but yet it was different, for there was now the light which inhabited the land. Veyr and Eirose took counsel together to create larger and more splendid seas and lands, and it was so. Ao and Erebos took counsel on the sky, for the light now traversed it, and covered up the night sky, for they had created the stars as was in Aranna. Ao loved it but Erebos hated it, just as she had the light of the Citadel. Yet then she had said nothing in the presence of Aл, for fear of his wrath. However, now, she spoke openly against it, wishing to cover it up and make it not so. But Ao countered saying that it was placed there by Aл and Erwл and only by them should it be removed.

    The day and the night were now more beautiful because of it, but yet Erebos hated the bright light and plotted to cover it. So, she at last revealed her covering, the clouds. She attempted to use the bright light against itself, making the waters vulnerable to it, and creating great veils of cloud and darkness wherever the light might traverse. She did not know, however, that it would not completely succeed. For instead of covering it, the clouds complimented it, save in very thick coverings.

In these realms were wrought the halls of time, and it was measured according to the traverse of the light across the sky, and love grew between the Seranil and the realm of time, for they had not thought of such beauty. As they danced upon the water and stone, Aл and Erwл looked down and arose from their seats, and descended into the realm of time. They looked upon it and a new desire was set into their hearts, so they stood in a vast valley, and sang a new song. Before their feet, grass grew and flowered; trees and all living things came forth and spread to the whole realm. Then, seeing it was good, they returned to Aranna and with them, all the Aranil and Seranil.

    As they sat down again upon their thrones, they called forth Erebos, and Aл spoke, Daughter, you have hated the light in your heart, and tried to conceal it from me. You have wronged me, Erwл, and yourself all three. But hear me! Even thought you did intend to do evil to that which we have set there, your creation shall only help what we have done there this day. For the green shall need water to grow and to survive and your creation shall supply that, and in that, become more beautiful! Now go, you are forgiven! However, this doom is laid on they whom you have created and in turn will be created, that your people shall first be they to suffer from your creation?

    Now Erebos was moved by the pity of Aл and silently left the Citadel, loving and hating the pity which was shown her. She deemed that Aл loved the light, and thus Ao, more than herself. So it was that the first sundering of the Aranil came, and there was restlessness upon the Lands.


Chapter 2.

The Coming of Men and The Early History of the Dea

    The restlessness was not solely due to Erebos, but rather to the song which Aл and Erwл had sung, for it foretold of a new people which would awake in the new land. The Arcandili these newcomers were called, and Men they called themselves. They awoke in Narvina, which is called the waters of awakening, and for years they dwelt there in peace, loving life itself. There they developed the common tongue, which all men would speak until the sundering.

    There were three races of Men which developed there, the Sanye, the Dea, and the Lanai. For three ages they dwelt in Narvina, but finally, it was in their hearts to move, for they had a love of new things, and wished to see all that was here to see. So, the Sanye, wandered south, the Dea wandered north and west, and the Lanai wandered the plains west of Narvina, but not yet to the great mountains. This is called the sundering, for here their speech and blood strayed, and they developed their own languages and cultures.

    Chief in these tales are the Dea, whom the Aranil loved most of all the children of men. They wandered far and wide, but finally made their home in the valley of Aen, which was where Aл and Erwл sang the song of awakening. They loved the valley, and even more, the sea near to it and the desert north of it. It is said that at this time, the people of Dea split into three peoples, those who loved the desert dwelt in the land eventually called Sah, and those who loved the sea dwelt in the delta of Aen and became Ashinae, and those who loved the valleys dwelt in sight of the mountains, and were called Draeda.

    In Aranna, the Seranil rejoiced at the Dea’s choice of a dwelling place, for even they had placed the most of their labor in that valley. But even now, the Arcandili were wandering folk, never making lasting abodes, and the Dea were chiefly like this even in the valley of bliss, as the valley of Aen was often called. Soon, the families banded together, and the head of the household was the father. Still, their means of living were primitive at best, and disease was common throughout. Seeing the suffering of the Dea, four of the chief Seranil begged leave of Aл and Erwл to go down and to help relieve the suffering of the Dea. Mandanor, Thalimet, Elenna, and Serposan all begged leave of their masters. They were granted the leave, and they descended unto the valley of Aen.

    The coming of the Seranil unto the Dea was so beautiful and magnificent that all in the valley of Aen looked up and wandered, for they had never seen anything of the realms of the Aranil. As great flames they appeared in descent from the realm, and the flame of their beauty was all around them, yet through the flame the Dea could see the beings themselves, even from afar. Yet some were afraid and hid themselves, but most looked and loved the beauty of the Seranil.

    When the Seranil descended, they first visited the household of Nuindol all together, and there took counsel of the course of action they should take in teaching the Dea. It was here where they first assumed their worldly forms. All of them had forms in Aranna of tall men and women with great wings on their backs as eagles. These forms they wore in their descent and into the household of Nuindol. Mandanor took to himself the form of a bear, Thalimet took to himself the form of a lion, Elenna took to herself the form of an eagle, and Serposan took to himself the form of a serpent.

    These forms they used to travel, but when there was the need to teach the Dea, they took to their forms as they had in Aranna. Thus they traveled far and wide in the valley of Aen, and taught all whom they found. They taught of the making of the world, and of Aranna, and many other wise things. Among these were those things which Erwл spoke to them ere they descended about the making of men. That they had spirits inside of them which were given to them by Aл and Erwл, and that after they passed on, they were called to the Citadel, and were called to dwell in Aranna. But this was only to be if they were deemed worthy. If not, their spirits wandered the world, until a way was found by which they could prove themselves yet again worthy.

    Up above the world, the Aranil watched the teaching, and as men grew wiser, they were amazed. But Erebos was filled with doubt, for she did not think that men should know of these things. She sent her servant Serposan only because he had requested it. Even then, she was had not fallen, nor would for a long time to come.

    Meanwhile the Dea continued to become wiser, and they became a great people, thought still wandering. The Dea separated into three general tribes, the Sasakens, the Ashians, and the Draedans. The Sasakens loved the drier areas of the north, and became sundered from their kin, of Seranil whom came, they had the greatest love for Serposan, and he taught them many things. The Ashians had a great love for the sea and the river Aen, so they began to only wander in those areas; they had the greatest reverence for Elenna and Mandanor. Of Elenna, they learned the speech of the wind, and often did they hear news from the wind, and of Mandanor they learned the craft of ship building. Mandanor was instructed by Eirose and had the greatest skill in craft above any in Aranna save Eirose himself.

    The Draedans had the greatest love for the valley of Aen, and dwelt in the easternmost parts of it. They were taught most by Thalimet, who taught them gentleness of speech and song, for he was most praised in Aranna for his voice of all the Seranil. But he also taught them of growing things, for from Aл he received instruction on the planting of living things and their care, while Mandanor and Serposan were taught of hunting, and Elenna of fishing. This they taught to all peoples, but to some they gave greater instruction in such than others.

    In all these things the Dea learned of the Aranil, and of Aл and Erwл, and loved them, and honored their names. It was not until the days of forgetfulness that they forgot those whom they now revered.


Chapter 3.

Of the Seranil and Their Offspring

    Now while the Seranil were teaching the Dea, a great love was birthed in them for the Dea, and for all living things which walked on the earth: a love so deep that they desired to add to its beauty through means of their own. So, for a little while, they ascended quietly again into Aranna, where they begged of their masters to begin their own peoples, yet over such the Aranil had no power. So, the Seranil went up into the Citadel, and there stated their love for the things of the realm. It is said that in that hour, Aл was not willing to allow them such, but that Thalimet sang a song of surpassing beauty of anything that had been heard from the mouths of the Seranil. In that song, the fate of the four offspring was woven.

    Once it was finished, Aл rose and Erwл with him and they were moved. They saw in that moment the great love that the four Seranil had for the earth and its beauty, and this they declared: that it shall be done even as the song of Thalimet had declared, and that in a time soon to come, each of them would become the father or mother of their offspring. To the offspring, Erwл granted speech and life, that they might bring about more beauty to the realm of time.

    And so it was that of the Seranil came four races of beings. Of Thalimet came the race of lions, whose beauty surpassed the wild lions which then roamed the earth. Of Mandanor came the race of bears. Of Elenna came a race of great and noble eagles. And of Serposan came the greatest of these races, of which tales speak of even into the days of forgetfulness. Serposan was the father of dragons. All of these were noble races and lived long through the ages. Some still have contact amongst the Dea, and others have roamed far throughout the earth.

    And so passed the days of learning in the valley of Aen, but neither the Dea nor the Seranil forgot the bond which they shared, and often the Seranil walked among them. It was in those days that the offspring of Serposan wrought their caves in the northern mountains, in the Firboarn range, which are the highest of peaks in the halls of time. It is said that the tips of them come close even unto Aranna. But yet, Serposan loved also to be near the Dea, and thus commanded that a dwelling be made nigh unto them. And so a dwelling place was built south of the land where the Draedans dwelt.

    It is said that Elenna first wished to inhabit the mountains of the north, but that she wished no strife between her offspring and that of Serposan. So, she built her dwellings in the cliffs of the mountains where they meet the sea. This was on the borders of the Xinthaen range, which is south of the dwellings of the Draedans, yet east of that of the Ashians. To her offspring did the mariners of Ashinae ever cry when in need of help on the endless seas, for her offspring had a great ability in fishing and far could their eyes see where men could not.

    It is said that though Mandanor loved the sea, which his master had wrought both in Aranna and in this realm, his love furthered to the woods, whence his offspring chose as their dwelling places. But, they settled not in the valley of the Aen, but rather went over the mountains, to the east, where a great wood larger than any in the valley of Aen could be found. There they made their homes, and were content.

    Of Thalimet, the great race of lions stayed few in numbers but noble. Little did they travel in the lands of Aen, and rather, they settled south of the Xinthaen range, where broad grasslands grew and where they could roam free as the wind. But, it is said that Thalimet had wings even in his lion form, where his offspring did not, and that he would at times fly over the mountains and still dwell with the Dea.

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