Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Active

Credits to active Activeworlders [as observed by Chrispeg]

(please kick me, if I missed one) 



Derrick W

Switched DAAP and MOON worlds from external content last year already.




The early bird, changed from external content around the current Landing Zone before the world re-opened within three days. These changes improved user-experience a good deal, alone by using n^2 dimensions for pictures and textures.



Ko Toff

First to start improving her builds - likely a good deal in advance today already.




Early bird jumping on the train of changes.



The Real Pope

Got into it soon, seeing the cool new features, and adapting them quickly.




Got into it quickly also, in a smooth transition and enjoying building even more.




Started to get assets from the SW-City group's web site, right away a few days after reopening of Alpha - work in process, will take a little to have it organized all.




Replaced external content around the Starcity Club in Alpha within a day, celebrating a party the next evening. Dove also takes care of BusyLion's texture-heritage, and contributed quite so much.




Uploading assets for LZ contests.




Seems to have fun picking up changes quickly.




Observing and trying-out first, experimenting with new features, already contributed many images early.




Uploaded most of her textures to be used by everyone already.




Testing how he can use uploaded images in his private world.



Old Chineese Man

Started to upload his set of images for everyone's use.




Fast adaptor with some inner resistance - getting there. Contributed a good deal.



HighwayMan, Mr. T, SirQus

Contributed many images to be used in no hurry.



Charlies, JJ0J, Astroh, Lpoe55, Okietech, Gremot and Tollar

Continued to work on their builds after re-opening Alpha right away, now almost daily.

Monday, March 13, 2023


The mystic Star zones is being explored through Stargate.  A nearby mega station filters through the network. 

The team arrives in a normal open space world. What stands out is 4 statues and signs for an alliance of worlds and species. 
Mermaids, little blue guys. Angels. Aliens.

The local area has a mall and small location of homes.

An alert triggers on a starship console.
The Stargate activity.
2 ships enter range.  The sg team teleports to the transporter room.

Shown to a conference room 
The ship representative meets them 
Sg is returning to the system to see how everything is.

The ships are  what was  left behind.
They made dew. A station and ships providing the needs of the area.

Nothing is known about the alliance species. Mostly humans exist. Unless they are in the ocean city. That Stargate was offline since they were cut off.  We could see about restoring it to the network.
The monks device has ways of linking to hidden Stargates. 
The second starship carries a Stargate on board . The 2 dock with each other.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

aw final update - the ranger log

fleet update log:  the ranger   12931123 

the rebuilding of alpha   world has begun there has been huge support from peoples arriving to assist with rebuilding.  

the comprehension is slow.  It's not a complete start over just patching some areas.   Some areas that are older are likely never to be repaired.   Only those who return to fix the damage will be able to restore it. 

As citizens arrive to their home.   there is. less need for the large fleet presence to remain. 

A security detail was assigned to the AWI   VIP as the blame was directed at them. 

What happened.  massive security breaches. older systems broke down which led to the evacuation and implementation of new systems to replace them.  

As displaced citizens return home and off the ship and crew await new orders from the fleet.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

alpha update

The universe fleet remains in the universe to monitor tensions. Aw has lots of damage. Citizens are transported to other worlds or remaining on Ships while the future is being determined.
Ships like the ranger are being positioned around the world with established rooms to hold the displaced. Ships like amplified and glory are making the trips around the universe to safe worlds.

Friday, March 3, 2023

future rpg

  SirQus: Charlies, would thee like to hear a tale, perhaps? [I'm playing in character here]


 Charlies: yes please

 SirQus: Many years ago,

  there were battle, with goblins

  and even villaneous people from other towns

There were colonies, where decent people had homes,

places to be in peace.

Then it vanished.


new beginning was to come

So they built a hidden tower.

Which no one but those two has seen. The one who wanted it to be built, and the other who built it.

It is yet unknown what happened to the tower.


It can not be seen anymore. They say it was built at Orda.

Its only a story


- a new player teleports in . walks around the north structures. ...happens upon the castle with the spiders.. clicks on them... they kill him..     he spawns and finds himself back by the spider..... enter an experience player. they stand between the new player and the threat. defeating it.     big text: do not explore alone.

-explore the 4 cities  

-build up to a battle with xbaalx

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

AW update 3123

Ds9 requests to fleet core to assist with relief
With the extra tension in the air.
alpha world closed it's boarders for a few days.

The ships already in aw wait in orbit.
It has been four days.

Mondo is in the world.
There is things happening but no public statement has been addressed .

The world opened for visiting.
a crew away team is sent down.

rpg log 2 27 2023

Amplified log 2 27 2023
On route to active worlds .

Received a message to head to nearest Stargate  world. Wait for further information 
2 28 2023
The amplified makes it to avocado one of the worlds on the outer section of the universe.

Deep space 9 ops 2 28 2023
The communication center is lit up with complaints around the universe. 
A new rush of traffic in the worlds have seen how unprepared the world's are for growth.

Stellar activity recorded strong waves of matter around worlds of interest .

Fleet ships in the universe are on alert to aid worlds in distress.
Charlie and George Star take the Stargate back to deep space 9.
A runabout is sent to aaabrazil to meet with LuisAn Ton 
Deepspace9 is looking to coordinate trade negotiations with a series of worlds. 
Luis is our ambassador with the world's in question .
The station wishes to hold the  meetings.