Friday, September 22, 2023

gate 5

It's been a year since the colony ship woke the colonists in the cryogenic pods.
George Star helped wake them.
We located their city and allowed them to reclaim their home.

We are invited to the conference room.
The commander with colonist leaders waiting.

They invite us back to see something they found.
A pod ship with coordinates to someplace new.
Since arriving dormant systems woke up. One was a location near by by shuttle pod. 
We leave in the morning.

We fly in and land on an open area good for air crafts. To the north is a long enclosed hallway with an open center. Buildings on either side.  The pyramids to the north and south.
The center area is blacked offline. 
To the east and west are buildings with warp coils offline might be a power source.

We tour the city for  information.
Being around certain technologies have been known to trigger automatic start ups .

Soon after the tunnels start to glow of energy...
In the center pad visions of locations are seen .

To go through would take you to the locations shown .

This takes anormous power to channel. 

The air is crisp .   The two pyramids shoot a beam.   On the 3 outward sides a link is established with other locations.
Something on these locations feed the beams.  Channel energy back to the gate5 conduits.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

lz contest

 Hello everyone :) I hope you are well. I'm really sorry for my absence last Sunday for the meeting, but to tell you the truth I fell asleep waiting for the meeting time and didn't wake up until the middle of the night...

I will immediately give you the names of the participants and the location of their projects (in alphabetical order)

. Arsène > 7204n 14901e 1.2a - Contest Zone
. Charlies > 7318n 24008.7w 1a
. Generic > 29793.80s 29435.15w 1.21a
. Ko Toff > 890.38n 2595.35w 0.01a 320
. Mondo > 6828n 14950.5e - current alpha Lz
. panne > 15000n 24000.5e 1a

I will create teleports on the Contest Zone

It's now up to you to organize visits and post images in the forum. You will also have 5 minutes to present your project during the meeting just before the votes. You still have about 2 months to build and improve your project before the first round. Indeed, as announced in the rules, the election of the best Lz will be done in 2 rounds since there are more than 5 participants.

Mel has agreed to represent Mondo for the competition, she will say a few words during the awards ceremony. We don't yet know what we will do with the credits Mondo wins. We can share the prize fairly between participants, keep the money for another edition of the contest, organize another activity (contest, trivia, etc.), do not hesitate to share your ideas.

Next meeting on October 15 for final preparations before votes.

I wish you the best and see you soon for the rest of our adventures :)


- Gate5 teleport   -  everything "Active" in activeworlds -  right here community teleporter

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

charlies teleports

 "aw" 7558.30N 24111.40W 0.66a 178:thecrowapartmentAlphaWorld 7558N 24111W

"aw" 5876.33N 15014.36W 0.75a 228:myMondoMemorialAlphaWorld 5876N 15014W

"awrpg" 325.66N 144.47E -12.14a 264:awrpgThroneofDeath

"aw" 7206.21N 14901.31E 0.05a 31:buildcontestCenterAlphaWorld 7206N 14902E

"awrpg" 15.59N 7.58W -18.18a 180:awrpgArena1

"awrpg" 15.59N 132.37E -18.38a 25:awrpgGarden

"awrpg" 156.94S 0.56W -17.18a 354:awrpgRealWraithVillage

"awrpg" 140.61S 50.70E -17.07a 91:awrpgAppleOrchard

"awrpg" 135.19S 251.96E 1.20a 46:awrpgRealacademy

"awrpg" 311.63N 148.15E -6.57a 91:awrpgHiddenprizonEntry

"awrpg" 329.69N 158.13E -14.70a 184:DragonLayer

"aw" 279.52S 369.05W -0.03a 18:GenericSpotAlphaWorld 280S 369W

"awrpg" 312.05N 148.12E -5.29a 238:312n 149e -06.2a

"awrpg" 312.05N 148.12E -5.29a 238:awrpgsecretunderground

"awrpg" 317.41N 159.83E -16.34a 182:awrpgHidden1

"awrpg" 35.19N 312.08E -0.49a 307:AWrpgNeuaLibrary

"awrpg" 227.53N 73.14E -18.65a 52:OldOdrabedroom2

"awrpg" 227.54N 74.15E -18.64a 76:secretOdrabedroom

"awrpg" 227.19S 101.66E -17.76a 161:awrpgRandomSpotNearSwamps

"awrpg" 61.36S 137.90E -12.21a 259:awrpgReSpawn

"awrpg" 61.87S 127.36E -12.30a 268:awrpgDeath

"awrpg" 491.39S 31.01W -4.98a 355:awrpg492s31wasettlement

"awrpg" 102.38N 309.50W -17.73a 65:awrpgfarmDraeda. Powered by Magsbot RPGbot ( 102N 309W

"awrpg" 54.27N 90.53E -18.67a 31:awgzMundane

"awrpg" 9.72N 7.02W -18.02a 52:awrpgarena

"awrpg" 234.11N 70.81E -18.15a 342:OdraBridgeDraeda. Powered by Magsbot RPGbot ( 234N 71E

"awrpg" 214.60N 45.58E -18.47a 59:RedBoatNearOdra

"awrpg" 104.73N 164.53E -17.80a 130:awrpgfestivals

"awrpg" 262.16S 10.17W -18.55a 248:awrpgxia

"shokan" 24.20S 7.88E -0.01a 96:iprocrastinatedhereShokan 25S 8E

"allusion" 19.89N 14.79E 1.46a 161:Allusion - http// 19N 15E

"aw" 7428.79N 23850.98W 57.35a 160:mycolonyshipapartmentAlphaWorld 7428N 23850W

"aw" 7751.08N 24170.79W -0.01a 352:freelandNearMyTownAlphaWorld 7751N 24170W

"aw" 7693.07N 23839.79W -0.03a 172:MysticLandsLZAlphaWorld 7693N 23839W

"aw" 7108.80N 24001.75W -0.01a 203:ifPeopleAskforLandAlphaWorld 7108N 24001W

"aw" 7398.45N 23939.66W 0.21a 173:MysticEmptyLandAlphaWorld 7398N 23939W

"aw" 9233.25S 1454.51E -0.01a 178:StarCityAlphaWorld 9234S 1455E

"aw" 6147.84N 5935.82E 0.65a 143:kolathAlphaWorld 6147N 5936E

"deepspace9" 10.28S 7.26W 10.85a 93:amplified

"aw" 17.02S 14.89E 0.00a 358:randomTeleportsAlphaWorld 18S 15E

"aw" 7460.74N 23850.75W -55.88a 358:runabout1AlphaWorld 7460N 23850W

"aw" 7420.27N 23846.26W 55.01a 347:ColonyShipAlphaWorld 7420N 23846W

"aw" 7662.22N 23910.59W -2.44a 187:universe stargate void

"aw" 7692.52N 24175.22W 1.08a 198:mytownAlphaWorld 7692N 24175W

"aw" 184.77N 10755.89W 0.01a 204:jesseKLandAlphaWorld 184N 10755W

"aw" 1951.93S 2568.22E -0.04a 251:pippinvilleAlphaWorld 1952S 2569E

"aw" 7283.00N 24009.00W -0.00a 0:MysticLandingZoneAlphaWorld 7282N 24009W

"aw" 7427.12N 23842.90W 54.15a 14:MyawShipcafeteriaAlphaWorld 7427N 23842W

"aw" 7318.07N 24008.49W 1.30a 2:gate5AlphaWorld 7318N 24008W

"aw" 226.26N 359.72W 101.10a 294:koToffAlphaWorld 226N 359W

"awrpg" 230.63N 83.56E -16.85a 184:OldOdraDraeda. Powered by Magsbot RPGbot ( 230N 84E

"awrpg" 4.52N 298.37E -0.36a 253:awrpgNeua

"awrpg" 230.63N 83.56E -16.86a 184:awrpgOrda

"awrpg" 19.75N 117.34W -18.56a 171:awrpgkao

"awrpg" 228.77N 72.58E -18.85a 67:OldOdraBookstore

"awrpg" 101.93N 98.72E -17.29a 216:awrpgAcademy

"awrpg" 192.27N 165.74E -17.43a 307:awrpgwraithtown

"awrpg" 210.34N 76.97W -16.04a 90:awrpgMonistaryRuins

"futurerpg" 33.56N 22.81E 5.32a 77:FutureRPGOdra(WhenBotsareDown)

"awrpg" 315.43S 130.54W -19.30a 256:awreunionTHATBoat316s130w

"awrpg" 459.60S 326.29W -1.92a 101:awrpgsouthmines

"awrpg" 409.69S 404.96W -14.56a 283:awrpgPlacewithaMap

"awrpg" 48.66N 319.92E -19.26a 137:awrpgneuadocks

"awrpg" 298.56N 290.82E -18.94a 254:awrpgHiddenspot300n300e

"aw" 15962.95N 12959.54W 0.05a 269:alabAlphaWorld 15962N 12959W

"aw" 8066.35S 1737.80E 1.52a 35:bachzahhlandAlphaWorld 8067S 1738E

"awrpg" 325.61N 144.78E -12.14a 204:ThroneRoom

"aw" 7585.70N 23834.00W 22.55a 0:awampship1

"aw" 2810.00S 2070.00W 0.02a 0:SeaGuyCityAlphaWorld 2810S 2070W

"aw" 29501.00S 29500.00W 0.00a 0:genericgzAlphaWorld 29501S 29500W

"aw" 6858.00N 32221.00E -31.58a 23:amandalab

"shokan" 23.59S 6.83E -0.01a 186:tardislandsHereShokan 24S 7E

"awrpg" 457.92S 430.88W -5.95a 86:awrpg-randomlibrary458s430w