Friday, February 16, 2024

tattiana story

 I wish Philosopher Soulstar was about.....he had a very interactive history and a great telling of old tales...    When i first came to Draeda, I spent 2 hours in Neua at his house as he recanted the legends and lore of the land

Tattiana: I started as a healer in Neua helping tend to the wounded when Conrad and the Kao'ans would fight.... Empress Jorjia was in charge then....Chelaan was our military Captain

Tattiana: after some fun times in Neua.... found out a healer position was open in Kao'a (and they really needed one) so I moved to Kao'a to keep the chaos in balance ..... as a warden of the land... I liked trying to find balance amongst the cities and thier people..... so i made friends in every place

Tattiana: When the lands got quieter.... I helped in other ways to restore the gallery in Neua.... and eventually took the throne to help keep the peace there but the land got quieter and quieter......unfortunately my life in the outrlands (thanx to the military and beinga  single mom) got busier so i had to leave

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