Wednesday, November 29, 2023

fleet update

The mega stations were recalled 

Without a command base 
The active fleet starship Replikas is appointed lead ship.
One duty of the starship is to checkup on runabout teams
its normal for teams to travel for months without checking in. It's the true freedom of exploration.  

The universe fleet had undercover teams study what appeared as a primitive culture of a planet.  They had no knowledge of the outside world.  Belived in magic powers.
The more they studied the more they got involved in the society. 

Eventually they made contact with the ruling parties of the lead cities. They stayed at deepspace9 for a week.

The magic was more than magic. It was technology way beyond known civilizations.

It began to fail them.   Without intervention from the fleet the  civilization would be lost in time .

The undercover team is missing has failed to send required updates.

What's worse a follow up team from the active fleet.   Also missing.    The Replikas needs to see to this case personally..

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