Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Active

Credits to active Activeworlders [as observed by Chrispeg]

(please kick me, if I missed one) 



Derrick W

Switched DAAP and MOON worlds from external content last year already.




The early bird, changed from external content around the current Landing Zone before the world re-opened within three days. These changes improved user-experience a good deal, alone by using n^2 dimensions for pictures and textures.



Ko Toff

First to start improving her builds - likely a good deal in advance today already.




Early bird jumping on the train of changes.



The Real Pope

Got into it soon, seeing the cool new features, and adapting them quickly.




Got into it quickly also, in a smooth transition and enjoying building even more.




Started to get assets from the SW-City group's web site, right away a few days after reopening of Alpha - work in process, will take a little to have it organized all.




Replaced external content around the Starcity Club in Alpha within a day, celebrating a party the next evening. Dove also takes care of BusyLion's texture-heritage, and contributed quite so much.




Uploading assets for LZ contests.




Seems to have fun picking up changes quickly.




Observing and trying-out first, experimenting with new features, already contributed many images early.




Uploaded most of her textures to be used by everyone already.




Testing how he can use uploaded images in his private world.



Old Chineese Man

Started to upload his set of images for everyone's use.




Fast adaptor with some inner resistance - getting there. Contributed a good deal.



HighwayMan, Mr. T, SirQus

Contributed many images to be used in no hurry.



Charlies, JJ0J, Astroh, Lpoe55, Okietech, Gremot and Tollar

Continued to work on their builds after re-opening Alpha right away, now almost daily.

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