Monday, March 13, 2023


The mystic Star zones is being explored through Stargate.  A nearby mega station filters through the network. 

The team arrives in a normal open space world. What stands out is 4 statues and signs for an alliance of worlds and species. 
Mermaids, little blue guys. Angels. Aliens.

The local area has a mall and small location of homes.

An alert triggers on a starship console.
The Stargate activity.
2 ships enter range.  The sg team teleports to the transporter room.

Shown to a conference room 
The ship representative meets them 
Sg is returning to the system to see how everything is.

The ships are  what was  left behind.
They made dew. A station and ships providing the needs of the area.

Nothing is known about the alliance species. Mostly humans exist. Unless they are in the ocean city. That Stargate was offline since they were cut off.  We could see about restoring it to the network.
The monks device has ways of linking to hidden Stargates. 
The second starship carries a Stargate on board . The 2 dock with each other.

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