Thursday, March 7, 2024


3 captures
29 Aug 2009 - 27 Oct 2009
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Stargate  Mystic
Key  Personell:

Command Team

General : Charlie

A human from Mystic has a long history   starting his training in barsoom he helped uncover the ancient stargate on that world and started to  build the network in outerworlds  exploring worlds and putting stargates on the network  charting  worlds in many universes.   
Charlie now commands  the  Angelic Complex  located  in the outer boundry of Mystic space

Christopher D
Technical support and Bot creation

is a Hubi    he is a  technical support  officer who  has been with mystic sience the begining  managed to build the stargate bot   network and tapped into the  intergalactic  network that is used  through out the universes  he runs off world bases  in spiralmatrix as research and development and is a vital member of the mystic team

Chef Counselor Miss Tina
Mystic Counselor  served  on the Starship Mystic Voyager as  moral officer  and cook   she has many roles on the mystic island   such as   takes food and  supplies to  other worlds as needed and  runs   a lounge in countless locations through out mystic  that helps .

Mystic World Secretary

organizes events  e-mails reminders and other important things

Chef Medical officer

Exploration Teams
SG OH Ourhaven
Leader Vinegar chef Joe
Is a mysterious alien with a  unique body armor that he requires to live he was commander on the research station then  was transfered to the starship mystic voyager as first officer 
Joe  now commands the  base in Ourhaven world
Major Mark
Protean Professor  

SG Asecret
Leader Winter

Princess of  Mystic's sister world Asecret  from  ancient times  Winter's kindness  has aided in Mystic

SG Albany team
Leader Jesse K

From Albany world based on the city of Albany New york  is a world based in real life

SG Gardens   CNW  Unverse Team
Leader Henk

From  Gardens world  is a kind hearted ally  with wisdom



SG Archeology Team

Experienced  in the ways of stargate schnookems is vital to  the off world missions

STARGATE Backup Teams
(Vibronic and Weyanda)

  Research and development  Team
Leader Pianodavy
Leader of Vibronic and Weyanda   Pianodavy  a catlike  race  is  a vital ally to Mystic with advanced  technology  and kind.

SG Z'kuru  Security Team:
Leader :White Tyger
Head of Security    for mystic  serves and protect  the Mystic team and looks out for  us all.  She started on the starship mystic 4 then transfered to the dreamship falcon and now is assigned to the Mystic team on the Mystic island


SG Mediacal  Team
Leader Sanction

SG Engineering Team
Leader GTbum
Chef Engineer for  the team  commanded the starship Neptune  maintains  the machanical needs of any ship in distress   and is a vital member of   the sg mystic team

SG  Education Team

SG  Science Team

Mystic Starship 
The  Cosmos
Assigned to  Mystic Mountains
                                                Commander  Charlie
ee    Starship Assigned to

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