The power to arrest an offender of Veyr's law, by any means necessary excluding execution, resides with any of the Knights of Veyr, whom are an elite group of Ordans chosen by the Clergy of Veyr to act as bailiffs of the court. If none above or at the rank of Priest(ess) are present in the land, then the Knight of Veyr must bring the offender to the jail until a trial is set.
Banishment is only to be applied to those who do not wish to cooperate with the Democracy of Orda.
First Degree Murder: the murder of one Ordan citizen by another Ordan citizen; punishable by 4 weeks of a community service deemed by the judge-cleric, a fine of 5,000 gp paid to the State, a fine of 30,000 gp to the victim, and all other money lost from the victim returned to the victim.
Second Degree Murder: the murder of one non-Ordan citizen by an Ordan citizen; punishable by 3 weeks of a community service deemed by the judge-cleric, a fine of 2,500 gp paid to the State, a fine of 20,000 gp to the victim, and all other money lost from the victim returned to the victim.
Third Degree Murder: the murder of one non-Ordan citizen by another non-Ordan citizen within Orda; punishable by 1 week of a community service deemed by the judge-cleric.
Heresy: one whom is declared a heretic to any of the Aranil will be the exception to the banishment rule being banished indefinitely until the Aranil removes the heresy
War: the seeking or provoking of war by an Ordan citizen is punishable by a 100,000 gp fine paid to the State as well as an indefinite period of a community service deemed by the judge-cleric.
First Degree Theft: the kidnapping of any Ordan citizen by an Ordan or non-Ordan citizen is punishable by a fine of one million gp as well as an indefinite period of community service deemed by the judge-cleric.
Second Degree Theft: the stealing of any non-living item from an Ordan citizen is punishable by a fine encompassing the value of the items lost as well as 10,000 gp
Disrespect: disrespect of any indvidual shown by an Ordan citizen is punishable by 1 week of a community service deemed by the judge-cleric.
Assault: the attempted murder or harassment of an Ordan citizen or by an Ordan citizen is punishable by a fine of 5,000 gp paid to the State, 10,000 gp to the victim, and 1 week of a community service deemed by the judge-cleric.
The spells of Dart, Dart Swarm, Fireball, Lightning, Blast, Venom, Toxic Vapor, Firestorm, Confuse, Mass Confusion, Stupify, Leech, Mana Drain,
Sandstorm, Entangle, Force Trap
The following is a code of conduct for the Citizenry Assembly of Orda to be adhered to at all sessions of the assembly:
I. An assembly may only be called and moderated by the Archon of Aurelius, the Prefect, the Viceroy, or the High Clergy of Veyr.
II. The moderator has the floor uncontested. The floor can be given by the moderator to any citizen one at a time. Any that interupt, including if the interupter is the moderator, is liable to be charged with Disrespect. In addition, the speaker must return the floor back to the moderator with the word "Vere" at the end of their speaking.
III. The moderator must post to the Ordan Law sub-tablet all decisions made at his or her Assembly, as well as record attendance.
IV. All laws of Veyr and all laws of Orda are still to be obeyed.
Aquilan cottages may be rented for up to 1 Draedan year. Pricing shall be 1,000 GP per exterior wall unit.
All city house purchases are one payment without tax charged upon first buying the house. The pricing shall be 75,000 GP per story of the house. Basements and attics that span at least half the length of the house are included as a seperate story.
All city house taxes will be charged to every city homeowner at the beginning of every Draedan year. The pricing shall be 500 GP per story of the house. Basements and attics that span at least half the length of the house are included as a seperate story.
Calculations of the difference in housing from the old system to the new system will be made and refunds of the difference between both systems will be distributed as necessary.
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