#0. all of the activeworlds community is invited to a community event centered in oceansRPG this weekend. a festival to celebrate and remember the world awrpg.
starts Thursday and ends with the Saturday night party in oceansRPG.
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
#1 A
taking time this weekend to highlight a virtual world with a lot of details built into it. it's 22 years old this year and the anniversary of being open to the public for game play.
I only found it last May and I was blown away by the level of detail into the world lore and mythology built up around the world and community of citizens that created it.
activeworlds.com you can create your own account for the world free and download the software.
this weekend the world of oceansRPG is highlighting the world of awrpg with a three day virtual festival. with teleports to key locations and some of them fun. like horse back riding and flying a magic carpet.
according to the Twitter page the bots that controlled the world went down after 1:03 pm on May 21 2012. the world is literally frozen in time. we explore the world as is archived. with basic interaction. some quests still work if you take the time to study them.
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
day 1 highlights the game elements of the world awrpg.
the land is called Draeda.
the world features four main cities Orda , Neua, xi'a, kao'a
with four separate characteristics and higher powers that through out the game you could find scrolls and boons to increase your personal abilities.
each city had temple quests once completed would give you a piece you need to survive in the land of Draeda.
while traveling the lands you would encounter monsters to fight. even other players . you kill them or they kill you and take what you collected . if you make it to a city bank you could save your finding. if you're caught with something valuable on you it could be taken.
or sell and create items to trade.
easiest way to make money was fish.
sell what you catch eat what you need to stay healthy.
featured in the oceansRPG cathedral.
the temples of Draeda.
day #2 A
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
The Four Cities
Current queen shadowg
The Republic City of Orda sits gleaming upon the lake of Ordahnea, its streets bustle with judges, lawyers and merchants from all four corners of the realms. They are lovers of the theater and poetry, and also there can be found a great library, with volumes of books and scribing of the laws of each city. Orda is the city of Moral law. Its people hold Moral law above all else. Ordans base their society around the courts of their Lands, all decisions on any given course of action are made based upon their Morals.
Ordan’s are a somber people of deep thought forever weighing the Balance of their decisions and actions in whatever they do. They abide by the law and strive to do only that which is right by the law.
Orda is the City of Moral law. Ordans worship Veyr, God of Moral law and honor.
Day #2 B
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
Current empress mel
The Imperial Mountain city of Neua bustles with Artists, Poets, and Writers. Neua has a powerful army though will only take up arms in defence. When it comes to battle they will only go into battle if no other choice remains, and will only take up arms with an ally if they believe their ally has a cause they believe is acceptable to the Gods.
Neuans are a peaceful and loving people who care for all. They rarely cheat, or lie and strive to do what is right to benefit Neua and all the Lands of Draeda. However, in their searching for the betterment for all, they can be too overly idealistic in their thinking.
Neua is the city of Light and worships Ao, God of the light and free spirit.
day #3 A
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
The Royal city of Xi’a, the dark gem of Draeda, sits upon the island of Xi’a within the Xian sea. Xi’ans are a people of secrets and mysteries. They only allow a little of what they wish to be seen and known about them and their ways and keep much of who they are within the shadows of the dark. It is said that their weapon of choice is poison.
Walk into the City of Xi’a and all seems quiet as Xi’ans often talk in hushed voices to ensure their secrets and mysteries remain intact. Preferring to keep to themselves and practice the Arcane ways. Only those truly of the dark can see all that which is within the dark. Xi’ans’ do not fear death, for death is but a doorway into the Goddess’s dark embrace.
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
King stayjitt
Xi’a is the city of the Dark and worships Erebos, Goddess of the Dark and Mystery, though she is not evil her ways are dark and mysterious.
day #3 B
FutureRPG oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
Kao'a. King vampyre
The Heroic city of Kao’a, its air is often filled with the noise from the blacksmiths and butcher, along with heated talk in the town square or the clang of swords as the warriors train. Kao’a is a city of chaotic primal warriors who pride themselves above all upon their abilities on the battle field. The Kao’ans are a proud people, that are Loyal if they befriend you but woe betide those that make themselves enemies of Kao’a.
Because of their unpredictable nature, Kao’ans will make alliances based upon their instincts, and will only keep the Alliance so long as it suits them. Kao’ans are shrewd in the matters of business and trading, ensuring they gain the best price or deal with any arrangement they make.
Kao’a is the city of Primal Instincts and Chaos and worship Eirose, God of Primal Nature and is expressed through Chaos.
© Futurerpg oceansRPG underisland
awrpg activeworlds.com.
activeworlds official Draeda reunion activeworlds
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