Thursday, September 21, 2023

lz contest

 Hello everyone :) I hope you are well. I'm really sorry for my absence last Sunday for the meeting, but to tell you the truth I fell asleep waiting for the meeting time and didn't wake up until the middle of the night...

I will immediately give you the names of the participants and the location of their projects (in alphabetical order)

. Arsène > 7204n 14901e 1.2a - Contest Zone
. Charlies > 7318n 24008.7w 1a
. Generic > 29793.80s 29435.15w 1.21a
. Ko Toff > 890.38n 2595.35w 0.01a 320
. Mondo > 6828n 14950.5e - current alpha Lz
. panne > 15000n 24000.5e 1a

I will create teleports on the Contest Zone

It's now up to you to organize visits and post images in the forum. You will also have 5 minutes to present your project during the meeting just before the votes. You still have about 2 months to build and improve your project before the first round. Indeed, as announced in the rules, the election of the best Lz will be done in 2 rounds since there are more than 5 participants.

Mel has agreed to represent Mondo for the competition, she will say a few words during the awards ceremony. We don't yet know what we will do with the credits Mondo wins. We can share the prize fairly between participants, keep the money for another edition of the contest, organize another activity (contest, trivia, etc.), do not hesitate to share your ideas.

Next meeting on October 15 for final preparations before votes.

I wish you the best and see you soon for the rest of our adventures :)


- Gate5 teleport   -  everything "Active" in activeworlds -  right here community teleporter

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