Sunday, June 18, 2023

lz meeting 6-18



* Activeworlds chat session: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:51 PM *



* Activeworlds chat session: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:51 PM *



Charlies: ok leaving now

MeL: Howedy Panne, ShadowG

MeL: Howdy Panne, ShadowG

MeL: Awienz, didnt you tell me that FirstR got it fixed?

MeL: The meeting is at   7204n 14901e 1.2a

ShadowG: ok

Lady FireHeart: oh thanks Shad

ShadowG: yw

ShadowG: hi arsene

panne: bonsoir arsene

Lady FireHeart: I'm waiting for dinner to get done

Arsène: Salut Shadow :)

Arsène: salut panne :) tu vas bien ?

MeL: wow, you're earily, atsene, haha

ShadowG: nice place you built here

MeL: arsene

panne: oui ca va l'orage annoncé a commencé

Arsène: yes mel :))

Arsène: chez moi les nuages sont passés tout droit

panne: ici il pleut un petit peu

panne: la semaine passé il a bien plu, mais dans le reste du pays il n'a pas plu pendant plus que 1 mois

panne: et il a fait chaud déjà pendant 10 jours

MeL: oohh come on!

panne: plus chaud que dans le reste de l'europe

MeL: =)

Arsène: un peu pareil chez moi panne, pas de pluie et aujourd'hui il faisait 30°

panne: ok

Arsène: What is the weather to you Mel ?

panne: always hot i think

MeL: around 93F  / 33 c

Arsène: ah

Lady FireHeart: 73 degrees and raining again

Arsène: blue sky ?

MeL: yeah

Arsène: cool

MeL: nice actually , if in the shade, haha

MeL: lucky you, lady, haha

Lady FireHeart: lol

panne: now here its 23 degrees but its almost 10pm as well

MeL: wow

ShadowG: yikes

Arsène: °C

panne: yes fahrenheit doesn't exist here

MeL: hah

panne: so it was good that you typed celcius too

MeL: =)

Arsène: hehe

Lady FireHeart: pretty coool here

ShadowG: hi astroh

Arsène: i am back in few seconds

panne: yes there is even an aw times newsletter box

ShadowG: hi charlies

MeL: ok

panne: need to update it urgently

ShadowG: ok arsene

Astroh: Hi all

panne: bonsoir astroh

MeL: Howdy Astroh

Astroh: Bonsoir les francophones

panne: oui il y en a quelques uns, astroh

Arsène: back

MeL: wb

ShadowG: hi ko

ShadowG: wb arsene

Ko Toff: Hello

MeL: Howdy Ko Toff

Arsène: Hello Ko Toff :) Welcome

panne: hi ko toff

ShadowG: hello out there generic

Ko Toff: Hello all, I hear rumors of a meeting

MeL: you hear right,  7204n 14901e 1.2a

ShadowG: and kolath

Generic: ShadowG!!!

MeL: =)

Arsène: :)) I sent you a tgram Ko Toff this time

panne: hi generic

MeL: Howdy Generic

ShadowG: GEN!

Arsène: Hi Generic :) Welcome too

Lady FireHeart: GEN!

Generic: LFH!!!

Ko Toff: Looking back I see it now Arsene, but truthfully I had forgotten all about it

Lady FireHeart: be back time to stuff my belly

MeL: hb

ShadowG: ok

Generic: hb

A W I E N Z: gEn

Generic: Sub!!!

Ko Toff: limited RAM, have to purge anything I can , not all of it works anymore

Arsène: do you have also problem with your avatar ?

Arsène: Mine move very slowly I have to use an old avatar

panne: sometimes it is solved by going in the menu to : options - citizen - ok

panne: or by doing : login - citizen - ok

Ko Toff: BTW, I am here today using Ubuntu 22.04 and Lutris

Ko Toff: It is working nicely including Vulkan graphics

MeL: Ubuntu replaced wine didnt it?

Ko Toff: Ubuntu replaces Windows

MeL: right, ok

Ko Toff: Lutris uses wine to translate from the achient language of Windows

MeL: nods'

Ko Toff: Crossover is the other alternative but it is having issues

Arsène: do you know if chris will come ?

MeL: I try to keep that in mind if i run across anybody that needs help but, with my short memory. its a loosing battle, haha

MeL: dont know

Arsène: ok

MeL: I talked to him and rick eariler, they never said

Arsène: ok

ShadowG: meeting place today if you want to attend   http://teleport.cgi?AW_7204n_14901e_1.2a

ShadowG: brb

MeL: ok

Generic: hb

Arsène: ah cool Shadow thank you very much

Arsène: we will wait few minutes before we begin

Arsène: ah it is 3 crédits to build this weekend

MeL: Good idea, Generic,. should have gotten a reclinder

Generic: lol, Mel

Arsène: ok we can begin the meeting

Arsène: welcome everybody

Arsène: I hope you are well

MeL: purdy good ty, hope you are also

Arsène: We have a very sad news today :(

MeL: -_-

Arsène: Last night I heard that our poor Mondo passed away :(

MeL: yeah  :(

Generic: :(

Arsène: Last year he won the building contest

Arsène: and everybody thought we found the good person for the Lz

Arsène: Do you know how old he was ?

MeL: 75

Arsène: oh I thought younger

MeL: had no health issues

Arsène: ah

Arsène: Mel do you have some news to share or do you want to say something for Mondo ?

MeL: Ive heard some people talk ,  about how they would like the current LZ to stay for awhile longer in honor of Mondo

Arsène: yes I heard too

MeL: mondo gram on the 27th of may, saying he was sick and shaking and then left... I didnt think nothing of it but,

Arsène: we have to talk about it all together

MeL: after awhile, I begin to worry and finally called the police where he lives and ask them to do a wellness check,, they did.. they found him

Arsène: :(

Arsène: Does he have family ?

MeL: since iam not family, they coudlnt tell me much but, they looking for next of kin. and then they will give my info the next of kin and ask them to call me

Arsène: he has

MeL: most are dead..  he has 1 nephew.. somewheres

Arsène: ok

Arsène: thank you Mel for all you did

MeL: he didnt stay in touch with his nephew.. never talked about him.. so I dont know what they will fine

Generic: condolences, mel

MeL: police can do a better invesgation

MeL: nods

Arsène: yes I hope they will contact you later

Ko Toff: It would seem to me that since you were the one to ask for the wellness check Mel , you were family, might be virtual but still family of sorts

MeL: I do too.. or I will contact the police there again

ShadowG: back and hi derrick

Arsène: I agree Ko Toff

MeL: yeah but, police dont see it that way  =)

Generic: wb

MeL: wb

ShadowG: t

ShadowG: ty

ShadowG: ty

Derrick W: Hi Arsene

MeL: mondo was a private person, ask me to Not let his info outm which I will respect that.. but, if / when a obit comes out or a newspaper clippin... I will let the community know

Arsène: now what about the contest, do we have to stop or continue ? Mondo registered his project

MeL: he has a build but, its not finished

Arsène: Thank you very much Mel, if you find something in papers

MeL: of course

Arsène: right mel

MeL: some wants the cuirrent LZ to take a little longer.. others might not feel that way.. its up to you, Arsene and the other builders I suppose

MeL: take = stay

panne: hi wolvie

Wolvie: hi panne

Arsène: yes first I would like to know what people think in general this evening

Arsène: Hi Wolvie :) Welcome

MeL: well even if you continue.,. the new LZ wont take place till next year anyways

Wolvie: hi Arsene, and everyone

ShadowG: hi wolvie

MeL: that leaves the current one for a bit longer

Arsène: I agree to keep the current Lz longer

Generic: yes, agree

MeL: by the time this conest is over, a New LZ wont be put into place till Jan 2024 right?

ShadowG: it is near the end of june now, and there is still many months we can enjoy the current lz that mondo built

MeL: yes

ShadowG: we would have until january to enjoy his lz

Arsène: Mel I have only 1 registration without Mondo

MeL: right Shadow

MeL: ok

ShadowG: in a sense, i agree that some may see it as unfair to hold off their work

MeL: a new LZ at the beginning of the year will be refreshing,   - time to move on...

ShadowG: yes

Arsène: ok

MeL: so continue with the contest arsene

ShadowG: and i believe mondo would agree with that, i would like to think he would

MeL: what do others say?

Wolvie: 1 registration, for the gz contest?

MeL: yes shadow

Arsène: wolvie at this point but we have 5 months more

Arsène: people can register until september 17th

Wolvie: okay, surprising still

panne: well the fact is that the way of "building" has changed enormously

Generic: probably some procrastinators out there

Arsène: yes I am sure we will have at the end of registration period

Wolvie: I'm guilty of that

Arsène: :))

Generic: :)

Arsène: We could wait until the end of registration first to see what happend

Arsène: if we have more participants

Generic: seems the best way to proceed

Arsène: ok

Arsène: we could do a memorial in aw for Mondo

Wolvie: what do you mean a memorial?

ShadowG: wolvie, mondo passed away

Arsène: I mean somewhere to put messages

Wolvie: really?

Wolvie: when?

ShadowG: yes

Arsène: oh yes sorry Wolvie you didnt know yet ?

ShadowG: we arent sure yet. still waiting on news

Ko Toff: He should get a marker near the first GZ with the others that are there

Generic: yes, that's a very nice spot

Generic: with the eternal flames

Wolvie: hmm, now I see why mention of leaving gz as is for longer

ShadowG: how many participants are there in the contest so far?

panne: 1

Arsène: right now we have 1

ShadowG: omy

Arsène: :(

Wolvie: so was this very recently he passed? I've not been on

Generic: there are the other memorials around 9550n 18800e

Arsène: ah thank you generic

MeL: wolvie, you can read about it here,,369380

panne: it has been posted in the facebook and the forum yesteday that mondo had passed away

Generic: yes

Arsène: thank mel

Arsène: is there anybody who want to do the memorial ?

Generic: mel should definitely be in charge, if she will

Wolvie: I'm so sorry

MeL: of what Generic, hah

panne: i think that lady pippin did that  since a few years back, but she became ill last year as well

Generic: the memorial

Arsène: yes Wolfie it is so sad

Wolvie: was it covid possibly?

MeL: I havent build one of them in many years. suppose I can

MeL: we dont know yet, wolvie

Generic: like riding a bicycle, mel

MeL: they wont tell anybody anything unless you are a family member

MeL: hhah

Wolvie: thank you for checking on him, even if it was too late

Lady FireHeart: did mondo have family?

Arsène: Mel do you agree to do the memorial for Mondo ? I can help if needed

MeL: ok sure... where?

Arsène: around the currend Lz maybe

MeL: most of his family is dead.. he only had 1 sister and she died years ago.

MeL: ok

Lady FireHeart: oh wow

MeL: he has a nephew, but, Iam not sure where

Lady FireHeart: ok brb again

Arsène: Mel if you agree try to find a good place in or around the currend Lz for the memorial and ask Chris to erase ground to build

Generic: k

Wolvie: tell you the truth, it might be better to skip a year of the gz contest

MeL: the memorial will be a ways off from the current LZ.. mondo cover quiet a bit of land

Ko Toff: does anyone have a list of all the landing zones and what period they served as the primary landing zone?

MeL: ok Arsene

Arsène: wolvie we will wait next meeting in september to decide

Arsène: thank you Mel, dont hesitate to ask if you need help

Generic: Mondo had links at his LZ, but I don't remember dates, Ko Toff

MeL: others are thinking the same Wolvie but, by the time this round of the contest is done, a NewLZ wont be in effect till jan 2024... so that leaves the curent LZ for a bit longer

MeL: his new one, Generic ?

MeL: its not finished

MeL: but, here is the cords  6633.74N 14953.25E 0.92a 316

Generic: yes, he had links to the old LZ's in one of his pavilions

MeL: ohh

Arsène: thank you for the coord Mel I will give them again in the forum next week

Ko Toff: I am thinking it would be nice to include a "Portal of Time" room in the new landing zones that allow users to visit past LZ's

MeL: sure, just note,, its not finished

Arsène: ok

MeL: good idea  Ko Toff

Generic: yes

Ko Toff: I will replicate it on one of my builds, if I can get the information

Arsène: ok good

MeL: I dont know which one but, there is a building at the current LZ mondo put teleports to diff worlds and past LZ's

MeL: he made me test the teleport =)

Arsène: yes mel near the entry point

Arsène: or first we wait the next meeting on september 17th to decide for the building contest this year and building a memorial for Mondo

Arsène: ok

MeL: I will start on the memorial,, err find a place for it

Arsène: Mel dont speed yourself take your time

MeL: nods'

Arsène: thank you for your efforts Mel it is cool

MeL: =)

Generic: maybe near roland vilett's?

MeL: I still have those cords to roland too

Generic: his is a very beautiful memorial, but with some broken links :(

Arsène: for the contest you have 5 months more to build your project

Arsène: we need more participants

MeL: If anybody wishes to take part in the contest.. gram Arsene right?

panne: AW 4387S 3669E 1a 90

Arsène: we have 4 x 200 credits to start your project

Arsène: to help you stard your project

panne: on position AW 4387S 3669E 1a 90, you have the memorial area with keshi,  roland, cleet ,etc

MeL: ok panne, ty

Arsène: dont hesitate to send me a tgram or a mail at :

Generic: k

Arsène: the prizes are interesting this year

ShadowG: i seen that

MeL: prizes are a bunch of hugh teddy bears  =)

Generic: very generous

Arsène: 1st - 1500 credits, 2nd - 1000, 3rd - 800, 4th - 500, 5th - 200, 6th - 100, 7th - 100

MeL: nice

Arsène: thanks again to all the anonymous donators

Arsène: you can find all the information about the contest in the forum

ShadowG: anyone wanting to attend the meeting;  http://teleport.cgi?AW_7204n_14901e_1.2a

Arsène: does anyone have questions at this point ?

Generic: it seems very clear, Arsene

ShadowG: not i

Arsène: :)

Arsène: does anyone have something to add for this meeting ?

MeL: no

Arsène: ok the last word ?

Arsène: you will find the resume of the meeting in the forum next week

MeL: Thank you, Arsene

Generic: ty, as always

Arsène: thank you all for coming

Arsène: see you in september and dont hesitate to contact me

MeL: =)

Arsène: we finish the meeting here

Generic: bonne nuit

Arsène: bonne nuit generic :)

ShadowG: thank you arsene

Wolvie: thank you Arsene

Arsène: your welcome it is a pleasure

MeL: I shall go check out roland, keshi memorial area

Arsène: ok see you later mel

Generic: going to 6633.74N 14953.25E 0.92a 316, later everyone

Arsène: see you generic

Generic: later, Arsene

ShadowG: afk

Arsène: ok

McBanny: mommers

McBanny: sends larry to find the foxes

McBanny: go larry gooo!

McBanny: he gets in a go-cart :$

Newjundiaius: Hi Lady Fireheart

MeL: Howdy Banny Goooserrrr

Newjundiaius: Hi MeL

McBanny: mel foxerrrrrrrrr

McBanny: reads about skincare stuff that protects against bluelight exposure from screens ...

McBanny: knowss the red light therapy help that

McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeee

MeL: hahaha

McBanny: good thing I not been out in sun alot in past 15 years

McBanny: cause I didnt know all this stuff

McBanny: if I were being outside today in morning like after work the way the sun where

McBanny: knowing what I know now I would have an SPF

McBanny: never used that stuff though but now I knowww

MeL: too much sun isnt good

McBanny: sleek beak

McBanny: for all the foxers to see

McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

MeL: haha

McBanny: listens to smooth beats

McBanny: and weeets

Newjundiaius: Hi Banny

Newjundiaius: Hi Banny

McBanny: imagines going down a desert road ..... with larry and fred with me.....

McBanny: and freds sticking his head outta window smiling

McBanny: newgooooser

Newjundiaius: oh

McBanny: monolithic - head over heels

McBanny: so chillllllll

McBanny: taps me tallons

McBanny: and larry taps his lil feeets

MeL: break time

McBanny: larry goes for a swim

McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeee

MeL: that sounds good, a swim

McBanny: fred swims too

MeL: ahah

McBanny: larry uses surfboard

McBanny: rides the waves that fred makes !

.Vampyre.: Where is everyone?

MeL: Hey Vampyre  =)

cheryl351987: yes ok,  make some pop corn

MeL: Iam working on Mondo's Memorial

cheryl351987: gn all

MeL: have to make it big enough for sereval people to build here

Generic: mel, is it around roland's?

MeL: yes.. to the east of his

MeL: jackson just left

Generic: beautiful landscaping, mel

MeL: tks..=)

MeL: ok

MeL: when Iam finished. I will announce it to the community

MeL: Iam slow. I havent build in so long, haha

Generic: i couldn't tell, mel

MeL: =)

MeL: yall make it home, yet.. vampyre?

MeL: good deal  =)

MeL: yeah, he did. he gram me and said he wanted to put a memorial in future for mondo.. told him that silver said something about a statue in neua in honor of mondo.. then jackson was gone, hah

MeL: I thought so also =)

Generic: color did a great job with her memorial to Roland, but her sitting people need readjusting

MeL: she's a good builder

Generic: she's excellent, they must have changed something about sitting, now they are all elevated above the chairs, i've noticed it before

MeL: I notice at my build in alpha, the avatars was sitting up higher

MeL: 4387S 3669E 1a 90   I think

Generic: will go see

MeL: yw

.Vampyre.: Oh! Not far from Mondo's...

MeL: panne gave those cords at the meeting

MeL: nah.. not too far.. rolands is here too in this area

MeL: roland use to work for AWI, I Blieve

.Vampyre.: Ok.

MeL: Believe


MeL: yeah

McBanny: wings span

McBanny: vampyre beakker

.Vampyre.: Banny!  :)

A W I E N Z: Group Rides Available

Generic: Mauz, I've read her history pages

MeL: yeah

Charlies: back

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