Wednesday, March 1, 2023

rpg log 2 27 2023

Amplified log 2 27 2023
On route to active worlds .

Received a message to head to nearest Stargate  world. Wait for further information 
2 28 2023
The amplified makes it to avocado one of the worlds on the outer section of the universe.

Deep space 9 ops 2 28 2023
The communication center is lit up with complaints around the universe. 
A new rush of traffic in the worlds have seen how unprepared the world's are for growth.

Stellar activity recorded strong waves of matter around worlds of interest .

Fleet ships in the universe are on alert to aid worlds in distress.
Charlie and George Star take the Stargate back to deep space 9.
A runabout is sent to aaabrazil to meet with LuisAn Ton 
Deepspace9 is looking to coordinate trade negotiations with a series of worlds. 
Luis is our ambassador with the world's in question .
The station wishes to hold the  meetings.

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