Saturday, February 25, 2023

Colony ships

 28 years ago activeworlds sent out across the stars and seeded other universes that also would grow and become populated.

6 known colony ships have been heard of over the years after going in different directions when they seeded their universes.

Pandora aw

Pioneer first ship sent into deep space to seed universes 

The ranger protected a colony in cryogenic pods 

The replikas from another reality 

4 have been found by the universe fleet.

The new colony ship found is  a generational ship from 28 years ago. Happened to be in the system when the amplified appeared on their scans.  

Their first communication was odd like they were asking what they were doing here. This universe fleet. The colony ship hasn't seen another ship in for ages. Surviving off resources found in space or planets.

Curious what this fleet is about 

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