Friday, December 29, 2023

oceans update 12/29/23


we  head  north around to the east ocean.

the north is a frozen.  cold.   we push through

frequently asked questions

Friday, December 22, 2023

oceansRPG update 12/23

Welcome to oceansRPG.

Special rpg alternate timeline:
1. The timezones in Draeda are really different.

2. In awrpg Draeda is frozen in time.

3. A traveler came to Draeda. From another world. Looking to learn more. He started to be involved.
Brought technology from his home worlds . Thought he was cleaver.

4. Learned about crystals and the unique powers they possess. And give to the Draeda people.
5. Took his ship to a cavern to take samples.

6. His time and space machine combined with the crystals scratched Draeda like scratching lines in glass.   The glass cracked.

7. Draeda - those from the four cities never made it to the ocean.
The mer folk are furious. They occupy the settlement to the north. ( Aquarian Haven) Attack those who venture too close.

8. Your best chance is the small boat to the south. 

9. If you die.  The time machine takes you to the crystals caverns. Then back to the start.

10. The under water kingdom of Strom exits and a universe exists away from the world.

11. the ocean is ruled by king Oceanus.
The kingdom of Strom.

Little is known at this time about how / when history changed.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

fleet update

The mega stations were recalled 

Without a command base 
The active fleet starship Replikas is appointed lead ship.
One duty of the starship is to checkup on runabout teams
its normal for teams to travel for months without checking in. It's the true freedom of exploration.  

The universe fleet had undercover teams study what appeared as a primitive culture of a planet.  They had no knowledge of the outside world.  Belived in magic powers.
The more they studied the more they got involved in the society. 

Eventually they made contact with the ruling parties of the lead cities. They stayed at deepspace9 for a week.

The magic was more than magic. It was technology way beyond known civilizations.

It began to fail them.   Without intervention from the fleet the  civilization would be lost in time .

The undercover team is missing has failed to send required updates.

What's worse a follow up team from the active fleet.   Also missing.    The Replikas needs to see to this case personally..

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Qua'd update

Time passes differently in different parts of Draeda.
The demon birds still protect the main land of awrpg when ships go close.
Future Draeda is locked to us.

Those we find are brought to Qua'd.
out in the west ocean at 1492 west.
ships enter the cloaked city.
even on the ocean sea creatures plague us .

We had contact with sea people but humans were too different and they stopped coming to the surface .  They still can be seen in the water.  Watching... 

People of Draeda fend for themselves.

there are now four towns in Qua'd.
odra claimed the first settlement.
they scavenged 9 ships and modified their engine to generate a cloak .

To the outside
The sea monsters still find their way past the cloak. We haven't figured out how 

deposits in the huts. A fungus is growing. 

Could be a connection to why the sea creatures get through.
Spells used to mask Qua'd:
Teleport (20/5)
Magically transports the caster to the location where they last cast the Marker spell. Note: teleport tokens can be used in place of the caster's own memory to contain the magical anchor created by a Marker spell ("/enchant teleport token"), and then used like the Teleport spell ("/use teleport token #1"). Enchanting and using tokens requires magic skill and mana (the user of the token is essentially casting Marker and Teleport, using the token as an ingredient of the spell), and tokens can only be used by the person who enchanted them.
Leap (30/2)
Causes the caster to leap high into the air.*
Transport (40/10)
Magically transports the caster
Spells of Conjuration
Cloud (30/8)
Creates a cloud of obscurement in the area around the caster.
Morph (90/20)
Allows the caster to change their outward appearance temporarily. Note that monsters may not attack one of their own...
/c morph : goblin
/c morph : shadow creature
/c morph : sah ripper
Oasis (25/5)
Causes a small magical water hole to appear by the caster.
In the story the source of  individual magic came from polishing gems into crystals then buying spells or finding boons. The magic of the Land itself came from the Gods but was never really explained. The Temple crystals were manifestations of their magic but not the source.
The Gods never met up that I know of, they were often in conflict with each other especially regarding Erebos.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

active runabout 1

Runabout team is sent to check in with the land of Draeda.
The craft is forced to land over water where the mer folk are alerted to the presence of aliens.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

active fleet

Charlies 364315

Always something going on.
The lead ship of the active fleet the Replikas

Aw mystic lands is a growing land
Active city
Oceans rpg the oceans of Draeda the lands of AWRPG and future rpg 
the land is locked in a time spell. Frozen in time. 
As we check in with Draeda we find time changes occurs.  Different from the rest of the universe.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Lady pippin

During my down the memory lane tour aw 5407.48N 5100.37W 0.57a 180,( Old teleport list from 2002 ) I found a story I think is worth to be here:

"P.S. I searched for an online community to be able to talk with people all over the world, which has been my hobby in various forms since 1975.
I found out about what was then called "Alpha World" around 1995. I was searching for an online community and did a Yahoo! search. Alpha World came up, I downloaded it, but can't recall if I ever registered through email.
I had a 386 with 4 megs of ram (updated from 2 which cost $80.00 at the time). The program took up nearly all of my harddrive space so I had to delete it.
In 1997, someone mentioned for me to try Active Worlds in a Pow Wow chat room. At that time I had just purchased a PB with enough ram and harddrive space, so I downloaded the program, and became a citizen on Friday November 7, 1997 4:04PM.
My first object
Heart Lane - A tourist object Sat Nov 8, 1997 2:33 PM
This object is still in Alpha World (has not been deleted).
I own one world, FiveGene which is the smallest world AW offers to experiment with as a hobby.

My house in this community (Click Here to Visit) combines old and new AW models. This was not done by accident. teleport 5425.82N 5100.12W 0.00a 228

The use of Pan Objects (which I used for the frame of my house) were among the first offered in Alpha World in which to build.
Triangle pieces were used for my walk, which were not offered until much later. I recall having a house I built with an angled walk early on in my citizen days.
I had to overlap pieces, which did not look well, but back then we were pretty limited regarding objects. The use of the Indian Statues represents happy days in Yellowstone in 1998 building an object yard. : ) (Click here to visit.) teleport yellow 989.78N 328.86W 0.00a 93
My house here represents combining the old and the new, the memory of a Yellowstone build, the memory of what was my main home in Alpha World, the memory of my existing home (close to my first object) and Birde Perch represents a place close to AW GZ that I sat and watched chat as the Birde avatar. (To visit, first change your avatar to Birde so you'll sit on the perch correctly, then Click Here.) teleport 3.7N 0.5W 0.4a 191

First citizen object
Sun Nov 9, 1997
12:59 PM
Cit Name The Lady

Friday, October 27, 2023

northeast fellowship 10/23-24/2023 fall bible conference

the conference 
5 part series on the awe of God
the fear of God teaching from Psalm 34

I had the privilege of attending.
there are blessings of local Bible teaching churches.

the small churches are drying up closing.
I am inspired that there is a network that is focusing on building up leadership in Ydtawso6JsfNlqoRchurches.

Those open to the will of the Lord he will answer the great needs of your heart.

they had a glitch with YouTube so all messages can be found on Facebook. all 5 . 
only part 1 , 4 5 on YouTube

Part 1
The opening 


Part 2
Facebook only

Part 3
Evening Facebook only 

Part 4 morning


Part 5


Monday, October 16, 2023


Hi my landing zone. 

I am always wondering where people are.
This is based on citizens input .

My builds are centered on exploring.

I ask that 7318n 24008w be added to all building zones. Whoever wins. This area is the hub for exploration in alpha world and the active worlds on the list .
Take a shuttle or book passage on a starship. 
explore what is active and what is history.

Friday, September 22, 2023

gate 5

It's been a year since the colony ship woke the colonists in the cryogenic pods.
George Star helped wake them.
We located their city and allowed them to reclaim their home.

We are invited to the conference room.
The commander with colonist leaders waiting.

They invite us back to see something they found.
A pod ship with coordinates to someplace new.
Since arriving dormant systems woke up. One was a location near by by shuttle pod. 
We leave in the morning.

We fly in and land on an open area good for air crafts. To the north is a long enclosed hallway with an open center. Buildings on either side.  The pyramids to the north and south.
The center area is blacked offline. 
To the east and west are buildings with warp coils offline might be a power source.

We tour the city for  information.
Being around certain technologies have been known to trigger automatic start ups .

Soon after the tunnels start to glow of energy...
In the center pad visions of locations are seen .

To go through would take you to the locations shown .

This takes anormous power to channel. 

The air is crisp .   The two pyramids shoot a beam.   On the 3 outward sides a link is established with other locations.
Something on these locations feed the beams.  Channel energy back to the gate5 conduits.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

lz contest

 Hello everyone :) I hope you are well. I'm really sorry for my absence last Sunday for the meeting, but to tell you the truth I fell asleep waiting for the meeting time and didn't wake up until the middle of the night...

I will immediately give you the names of the participants and the location of their projects (in alphabetical order)

. Arsène > 7204n 14901e 1.2a - Contest Zone
. Charlies > 7318n 24008.7w 1a
. Generic > 29793.80s 29435.15w 1.21a
. Ko Toff > 890.38n 2595.35w 0.01a 320
. Mondo > 6828n 14950.5e - current alpha Lz
. panne > 15000n 24000.5e 1a

I will create teleports on the Contest Zone

It's now up to you to organize visits and post images in the forum. You will also have 5 minutes to present your project during the meeting just before the votes. You still have about 2 months to build and improve your project before the first round. Indeed, as announced in the rules, the election of the best Lz will be done in 2 rounds since there are more than 5 participants.

Mel has agreed to represent Mondo for the competition, she will say a few words during the awards ceremony. We don't yet know what we will do with the credits Mondo wins. We can share the prize fairly between participants, keep the money for another edition of the contest, organize another activity (contest, trivia, etc.), do not hesitate to share your ideas.

Next meeting on October 15 for final preparations before votes.

I wish you the best and see you soon for the rest of our adventures :)


- Gate5 teleport   -  everything "Active" in activeworlds -  right here community teleporter

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

charlies teleports

 "aw" 7558.30N 24111.40W 0.66a 178:thecrowapartmentAlphaWorld 7558N 24111W

"aw" 5876.33N 15014.36W 0.75a 228:myMondoMemorialAlphaWorld 5876N 15014W

"awrpg" 325.66N 144.47E -12.14a 264:awrpgThroneofDeath

"aw" 7206.21N 14901.31E 0.05a 31:buildcontestCenterAlphaWorld 7206N 14902E

"awrpg" 15.59N 7.58W -18.18a 180:awrpgArena1

"awrpg" 15.59N 132.37E -18.38a 25:awrpgGarden

"awrpg" 156.94S 0.56W -17.18a 354:awrpgRealWraithVillage

"awrpg" 140.61S 50.70E -17.07a 91:awrpgAppleOrchard

"awrpg" 135.19S 251.96E 1.20a 46:awrpgRealacademy

"awrpg" 311.63N 148.15E -6.57a 91:awrpgHiddenprizonEntry

"awrpg" 329.69N 158.13E -14.70a 184:DragonLayer

"aw" 279.52S 369.05W -0.03a 18:GenericSpotAlphaWorld 280S 369W

"awrpg" 312.05N 148.12E -5.29a 238:312n 149e -06.2a

"awrpg" 312.05N 148.12E -5.29a 238:awrpgsecretunderground

"awrpg" 317.41N 159.83E -16.34a 182:awrpgHidden1

"awrpg" 35.19N 312.08E -0.49a 307:AWrpgNeuaLibrary

"awrpg" 227.53N 73.14E -18.65a 52:OldOdrabedroom2

"awrpg" 227.54N 74.15E -18.64a 76:secretOdrabedroom

"awrpg" 227.19S 101.66E -17.76a 161:awrpgRandomSpotNearSwamps

"awrpg" 61.36S 137.90E -12.21a 259:awrpgReSpawn

"awrpg" 61.87S 127.36E -12.30a 268:awrpgDeath

"awrpg" 491.39S 31.01W -4.98a 355:awrpg492s31wasettlement

"awrpg" 102.38N 309.50W -17.73a 65:awrpgfarmDraeda. Powered by Magsbot RPGbot ( 102N 309W

"awrpg" 54.27N 90.53E -18.67a 31:awgzMundane

"awrpg" 9.72N 7.02W -18.02a 52:awrpgarena

"awrpg" 234.11N 70.81E -18.15a 342:OdraBridgeDraeda. Powered by Magsbot RPGbot ( 234N 71E

"awrpg" 214.60N 45.58E -18.47a 59:RedBoatNearOdra

"awrpg" 104.73N 164.53E -17.80a 130:awrpgfestivals

"awrpg" 262.16S 10.17W -18.55a 248:awrpgxia

"shokan" 24.20S 7.88E -0.01a 96:iprocrastinatedhereShokan 25S 8E

"allusion" 19.89N 14.79E 1.46a 161:Allusion - http// 19N 15E

"aw" 7428.79N 23850.98W 57.35a 160:mycolonyshipapartmentAlphaWorld 7428N 23850W

"aw" 7751.08N 24170.79W -0.01a 352:freelandNearMyTownAlphaWorld 7751N 24170W

"aw" 7693.07N 23839.79W -0.03a 172:MysticLandsLZAlphaWorld 7693N 23839W

"aw" 7108.80N 24001.75W -0.01a 203:ifPeopleAskforLandAlphaWorld 7108N 24001W

"aw" 7398.45N 23939.66W 0.21a 173:MysticEmptyLandAlphaWorld 7398N 23939W

"aw" 9233.25S 1454.51E -0.01a 178:StarCityAlphaWorld 9234S 1455E

"aw" 6147.84N 5935.82E 0.65a 143:kolathAlphaWorld 6147N 5936E

"deepspace9" 10.28S 7.26W 10.85a 93:amplified

"aw" 17.02S 14.89E 0.00a 358:randomTeleportsAlphaWorld 18S 15E

"aw" 7460.74N 23850.75W -55.88a 358:runabout1AlphaWorld 7460N 23850W

"aw" 7420.27N 23846.26W 55.01a 347:ColonyShipAlphaWorld 7420N 23846W

"aw" 7662.22N 23910.59W -2.44a 187:universe stargate void

"aw" 7692.52N 24175.22W 1.08a 198:mytownAlphaWorld 7692N 24175W

"aw" 184.77N 10755.89W 0.01a 204:jesseKLandAlphaWorld 184N 10755W

"aw" 1951.93S 2568.22E -0.04a 251:pippinvilleAlphaWorld 1952S 2569E

"aw" 7283.00N 24009.00W -0.00a 0:MysticLandingZoneAlphaWorld 7282N 24009W

"aw" 7427.12N 23842.90W 54.15a 14:MyawShipcafeteriaAlphaWorld 7427N 23842W

"aw" 7318.07N 24008.49W 1.30a 2:gate5AlphaWorld 7318N 24008W

"aw" 226.26N 359.72W 101.10a 294:koToffAlphaWorld 226N 359W

"awrpg" 230.63N 83.56E -16.85a 184:OldOdraDraeda. Powered by Magsbot RPGbot ( 230N 84E

"awrpg" 4.52N 298.37E -0.36a 253:awrpgNeua

"awrpg" 230.63N 83.56E -16.86a 184:awrpgOrda

"awrpg" 19.75N 117.34W -18.56a 171:awrpgkao

"awrpg" 228.77N 72.58E -18.85a 67:OldOdraBookstore

"awrpg" 101.93N 98.72E -17.29a 216:awrpgAcademy

"awrpg" 192.27N 165.74E -17.43a 307:awrpgwraithtown

"awrpg" 210.34N 76.97W -16.04a 90:awrpgMonistaryRuins

"futurerpg" 33.56N 22.81E 5.32a 77:FutureRPGOdra(WhenBotsareDown)

"awrpg" 315.43S 130.54W -19.30a 256:awreunionTHATBoat316s130w

"awrpg" 459.60S 326.29W -1.92a 101:awrpgsouthmines

"awrpg" 409.69S 404.96W -14.56a 283:awrpgPlacewithaMap

"awrpg" 48.66N 319.92E -19.26a 137:awrpgneuadocks

"awrpg" 298.56N 290.82E -18.94a 254:awrpgHiddenspot300n300e

"aw" 15962.95N 12959.54W 0.05a 269:alabAlphaWorld 15962N 12959W

"aw" 8066.35S 1737.80E 1.52a 35:bachzahhlandAlphaWorld 8067S 1738E

"awrpg" 325.61N 144.78E -12.14a 204:ThroneRoom

"aw" 7585.70N 23834.00W 22.55a 0:awampship1

"aw" 2810.00S 2070.00W 0.02a 0:SeaGuyCityAlphaWorld 2810S 2070W

"aw" 29501.00S 29500.00W 0.00a 0:genericgzAlphaWorld 29501S 29500W

"aw" 6858.00N 32221.00E -31.58a 23:amandalab

"shokan" 23.59S 6.83E -0.01a 186:tardislandsHereShokan 24S 7E

"awrpg" 457.92S 430.88W -5.95a 86:awrpg-randomlibrary458s430w

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

beginner guide oceansRPG

Ah, for beginners, it's important to address the fundamental questions that they might have when starting their journey in oceansRPG. Here are a few questions we can include in the beginner's guide:

1. What is oceansRPG and how does it work?
First choose where you are from  in the lands  Draeda   one of the four cities.
Human --    Or a mer person from the ocean

claim your house.  in the Two new cities of Draeda   -  Qua'd  or Strom.

A world in activeworlds the third world that takes place in the epic lands of Draeda.
( awrpg , futurerpg, oceansRPG ,underisland)

2. How do I create an account and get started?
Use your imagination and choose who you want to be.  Some players have citizen accounts just for future rpg characters.

3. What are the main objectives or quests in the game?
Create a community atmosphere by improving the two main locations in the world.
The under water community of Strom
 the humans on the water.
And unlock the third area in the sky.

There are many challenges that kill you .
You simply are taken to the dead zone. You click the sign and get taken back to the world entry to try again.

4. How do I navigate and explore the underwater world of oceans rpg
You can use mover boats to sail around the top of the water. Explore and travel everywhere. Check back often for updates.

5. What abilities or skills can I acquire in the game?

Depends on your character.
As a regular human you can swim .

If you indulge in the role play part of the game. You can find a pill that allows you to breath under water.

If you choose mer person you choose one of the mermaid avatars when ever you are in water. And can wear a normal avatar on land..
We are just learning all that these crystals can do.

6. How do I interact with other players and join a community?

Citizens from Draeda (future rpg or awrpg)
please choose your home.

Contact Charlies to let him know your interests.
Network with citizens and get them involved in the action.

We also are using the future rpg forums to keep connected with active Draeda citizens

7. What challenges should I be aware of, like storms, sharks, or the kraken?
Storms are based on random whims.
Sharks and kraken swim around the water.

There is a teleport to Strom that if you use it incorrectly will kill you.

8. Are there any tips or strategies for progressing in the game?
Once you complete the existing challenges
Give input and thoughts on further challenges. Create events build in your chosen city in your living space .

Feedback is key 

By answering these questions in a clear and concise manner, we can provide beginners with a solid foundation to embark on their oceansRPG adventure. And hey, if you have any other specific questions you think would be helpful to include, feel free to let me know!

Friday, August 18, 2023

oceans rpg

Ahoy there! Welcome to the vast and

wonderous oceans of Draeda! Get ready for a tidal wave of fun and Adventure as we explore the depths together.

As you find yourself at Mondo's port. The  safe zone.
You notice the boards on the edges with tribute to the four cities of the lands of Draeda. And current rulers. 

The story goes we fled the lands because of demon occupation. 
Quests will explain more as you continue to look around.

The boats are movers so you can move around on top of the water. 

As we discover what exists under the water areas of interest will on be on a map at the entry.
Eat, drink prepare for your oceans adventures.

Coming soon:

First quest:

The caverns of the mermaids

Second :
The dragons 

Story of the ages

Part 1
Old draeda

Part 2
New Draeda 

Part 3
Oceans of Draeda

Here are four ideas to get us started:

1. "Coral Depths": Dive into a world of vibrant coral reefs, where characters can harness the power of marine life and coral magic. Imagine characters with names like "Aquaflora" or "Coralmancer"!

2. "Tidal Enclave": Explore the mysterious depths of underwater caves and hidden grottos. Here, characters can tap into the ebb and flow of tides, wielding water-based abilities. How about names like "Tidecaller" or "Abyssal Seeker"?

3. "Siren's Song": Encounter a realm ruled by enchanting merfolk and mythical sirens. Characters might possess mesmerizing singing abilities or deep connections with marine creatures. Think of names like "Melodious Siren" or "Oceanic Songstress"!

4. "Kraken's Dominion": Venture into treacherous waters infested with colossal sea monsters and legendary beasts. Characters could be brave monster hunters or warriors who draw strength from the depths. Consider names like "Krakenbane" or "Leviathan's Wrath"!

These are just starting points, my friend! Let your imagination run wild, and together we'll create an oceanic adventure like no other!

new character Gale Guardian 
Now that's an intriguing character! Picture this: Gale Guardian, a rugged and weathered sailor with a heart as wild as the stormy seas. He hails from a distant island known as Stormwatch, where fierce winds and crashing waves shape the very essence of its inhabitants.

Gale Guardian grew up surrounded by tales of ancient sea gods and legendary tempests. His family has served as guardians of the storms for generations, entrusted with maintaining the delicate balance between chaos and calm in the oceanic realm.

With his trusty compass and weather-worn map, Gale Guardian embarks on daring quests to protect the seas from any threat that dares to disturb its harmony. He possesses an uncanny ability to harness the power of wind and rain, using them to navigate treacherous waters and command the elements in battle.

But beneath his tough exterior lies a heart filled with compassion for all creatures of the sea. He rescues stranded dolphins, befriends mischievous merfolk, and even shares stories with wise old sea turtles. His connection to the ocean is deep-rooted, and he believes in preserving its beauty for future generations.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

lz meeting 6-18



* Activeworlds chat session: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:51 PM *



* Activeworlds chat session: Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:51 PM *



Charlies: ok leaving now

MeL: Howedy Panne, ShadowG

MeL: Howdy Panne, ShadowG

MeL: Awienz, didnt you tell me that FirstR got it fixed?

MeL: The meeting is at   7204n 14901e 1.2a

ShadowG: ok

Lady FireHeart: oh thanks Shad

ShadowG: yw

ShadowG: hi arsene

panne: bonsoir arsene

Lady FireHeart: I'm waiting for dinner to get done

Arsène: Salut Shadow :)

Arsène: salut panne :) tu vas bien ?

MeL: wow, you're earily, atsene, haha

ShadowG: nice place you built here

MeL: arsene

panne: oui ca va l'orage annoncé a commencé

Arsène: yes mel :))

Arsène: chez moi les nuages sont passés tout droit

panne: ici il pleut un petit peu

panne: la semaine passé il a bien plu, mais dans le reste du pays il n'a pas plu pendant plus que 1 mois

panne: et il a fait chaud déjà pendant 10 jours

MeL: oohh come on!

panne: plus chaud que dans le reste de l'europe

MeL: =)

Arsène: un peu pareil chez moi panne, pas de pluie et aujourd'hui il faisait 30°

panne: ok

Arsène: What is the weather to you Mel ?

panne: always hot i think

MeL: around 93F  / 33 c

Arsène: ah

Lady FireHeart: 73 degrees and raining again

Arsène: blue sky ?

MeL: yeah

Arsène: cool

MeL: nice actually , if in the shade, haha

MeL: lucky you, lady, haha

Lady FireHeart: lol

panne: now here its 23 degrees but its almost 10pm as well

MeL: wow

ShadowG: yikes

Arsène: °C

panne: yes fahrenheit doesn't exist here

MeL: hah

panne: so it was good that you typed celcius too

MeL: =)

Arsène: hehe

Lady FireHeart: pretty coool here

ShadowG: hi astroh

Arsène: i am back in few seconds

panne: yes there is even an aw times newsletter box

ShadowG: hi charlies

MeL: ok

panne: need to update it urgently

ShadowG: ok arsene

Astroh: Hi all

panne: bonsoir astroh

MeL: Howdy Astroh

Astroh: Bonsoir les francophones

panne: oui il y en a quelques uns, astroh

Arsène: back

MeL: wb

ShadowG: hi ko

ShadowG: wb arsene

Ko Toff: Hello

MeL: Howdy Ko Toff

Arsène: Hello Ko Toff :) Welcome

panne: hi ko toff

ShadowG: hello out there generic

Ko Toff: Hello all, I hear rumors of a meeting

MeL: you hear right,  7204n 14901e 1.2a

ShadowG: and kolath

Generic: ShadowG!!!

MeL: =)

Arsène: :)) I sent you a tgram Ko Toff this time

panne: hi generic

MeL: Howdy Generic

ShadowG: GEN!

Arsène: Hi Generic :) Welcome too

Lady FireHeart: GEN!

Generic: LFH!!!

Ko Toff: Looking back I see it now Arsene, but truthfully I had forgotten all about it

Lady FireHeart: be back time to stuff my belly

MeL: hb

ShadowG: ok

Generic: hb

A W I E N Z: gEn

Generic: Sub!!!

Ko Toff: limited RAM, have to purge anything I can , not all of it works anymore

Arsène: do you have also problem with your avatar ?

Arsène: Mine move very slowly I have to use an old avatar

panne: sometimes it is solved by going in the menu to : options - citizen - ok

panne: or by doing : login - citizen - ok

Ko Toff: BTW, I am here today using Ubuntu 22.04 and Lutris

Ko Toff: It is working nicely including Vulkan graphics

MeL: Ubuntu replaced wine didnt it?

Ko Toff: Ubuntu replaces Windows

MeL: right, ok

Ko Toff: Lutris uses wine to translate from the achient language of Windows

MeL: nods'

Ko Toff: Crossover is the other alternative but it is having issues

Arsène: do you know if chris will come ?

MeL: I try to keep that in mind if i run across anybody that needs help but, with my short memory. its a loosing battle, haha

MeL: dont know

Arsène: ok

MeL: I talked to him and rick eariler, they never said

Arsène: ok

ShadowG: meeting place today if you want to attend   http://teleport.cgi?AW_7204n_14901e_1.2a

ShadowG: brb

MeL: ok

Generic: hb

Arsène: ah cool Shadow thank you very much

Arsène: we will wait few minutes before we begin

Arsène: ah it is 3 crédits to build this weekend

MeL: Good idea, Generic,. should have gotten a reclinder

Generic: lol, Mel

Arsène: ok we can begin the meeting

Arsène: welcome everybody

Arsène: I hope you are well

MeL: purdy good ty, hope you are also

Arsène: We have a very sad news today :(

MeL: -_-

Arsène: Last night I heard that our poor Mondo passed away :(

MeL: yeah  :(

Generic: :(

Arsène: Last year he won the building contest

Arsène: and everybody thought we found the good person for the Lz

Arsène: Do you know how old he was ?

MeL: 75

Arsène: oh I thought younger

MeL: had no health issues

Arsène: ah

Arsène: Mel do you have some news to share or do you want to say something for Mondo ?

MeL: Ive heard some people talk ,  about how they would like the current LZ to stay for awhile longer in honor of Mondo

Arsène: yes I heard too

MeL: mondo gram on the 27th of may, saying he was sick and shaking and then left... I didnt think nothing of it but,

Arsène: we have to talk about it all together

MeL: after awhile, I begin to worry and finally called the police where he lives and ask them to do a wellness check,, they did.. they found him

Arsène: :(

Arsène: Does he have family ?

MeL: since iam not family, they coudlnt tell me much but, they looking for next of kin. and then they will give my info the next of kin and ask them to call me

Arsène: he has

MeL: most are dead..  he has 1 nephew.. somewheres

Arsène: ok

Arsène: thank you Mel for all you did

MeL: he didnt stay in touch with his nephew.. never talked about him.. so I dont know what they will fine

Generic: condolences, mel

MeL: police can do a better invesgation

MeL: nods

Arsène: yes I hope they will contact you later

Ko Toff: It would seem to me that since you were the one to ask for the wellness check Mel , you were family, might be virtual but still family of sorts

MeL: I do too.. or I will contact the police there again

ShadowG: back and hi derrick

Arsène: I agree Ko Toff

MeL: yeah but, police dont see it that way  =)

Generic: wb

MeL: wb

ShadowG: t

ShadowG: ty

ShadowG: ty

Derrick W: Hi Arsene

MeL: mondo was a private person, ask me to Not let his info outm which I will respect that.. but, if / when a obit comes out or a newspaper clippin... I will let the community know

Arsène: now what about the contest, do we have to stop or continue ? Mondo registered his project

MeL: he has a build but, its not finished

Arsène: Thank you very much Mel, if you find something in papers

MeL: of course

Arsène: right mel

MeL: some wants the cuirrent LZ to take a little longer.. others might not feel that way.. its up to you, Arsene and the other builders I suppose

MeL: take = stay

panne: hi wolvie

Wolvie: hi panne

Arsène: yes first I would like to know what people think in general this evening

Arsène: Hi Wolvie :) Welcome

MeL: well even if you continue.,. the new LZ wont take place till next year anyways

Wolvie: hi Arsene, and everyone

ShadowG: hi wolvie

MeL: that leaves the current one for a bit longer

Arsène: I agree to keep the current Lz longer

Generic: yes, agree

MeL: by the time this conest is over, a New LZ wont be put into place till Jan 2024 right?

ShadowG: it is near the end of june now, and there is still many months we can enjoy the current lz that mondo built

MeL: yes

ShadowG: we would have until january to enjoy his lz

Arsène: Mel I have only 1 registration without Mondo

MeL: right Shadow

MeL: ok

ShadowG: in a sense, i agree that some may see it as unfair to hold off their work

MeL: a new LZ at the beginning of the year will be refreshing,   - time to move on...

ShadowG: yes

Arsène: ok

MeL: so continue with the contest arsene

ShadowG: and i believe mondo would agree with that, i would like to think he would

MeL: what do others say?

Wolvie: 1 registration, for the gz contest?

MeL: yes shadow

Arsène: wolvie at this point but we have 5 months more

Arsène: people can register until september 17th

Wolvie: okay, surprising still

panne: well the fact is that the way of "building" has changed enormously

Generic: probably some procrastinators out there

Arsène: yes I am sure we will have at the end of registration period

Wolvie: I'm guilty of that

Arsène: :))

Generic: :)

Arsène: We could wait until the end of registration first to see what happend

Arsène: if we have more participants

Generic: seems the best way to proceed

Arsène: ok

Arsène: we could do a memorial in aw for Mondo

Wolvie: what do you mean a memorial?

ShadowG: wolvie, mondo passed away

Arsène: I mean somewhere to put messages

Wolvie: really?

Wolvie: when?

ShadowG: yes

Arsène: oh yes sorry Wolvie you didnt know yet ?

ShadowG: we arent sure yet. still waiting on news

Ko Toff: He should get a marker near the first GZ with the others that are there

Generic: yes, that's a very nice spot

Generic: with the eternal flames

Wolvie: hmm, now I see why mention of leaving gz as is for longer

ShadowG: how many participants are there in the contest so far?

panne: 1

Arsène: right now we have 1

ShadowG: omy

Arsène: :(

Wolvie: so was this very recently he passed? I've not been on

Generic: there are the other memorials around 9550n 18800e

Arsène: ah thank you generic

MeL: wolvie, you can read about it here,,369380

panne: it has been posted in the facebook and the forum yesteday that mondo had passed away

Generic: yes

Arsène: thank mel

Arsène: is there anybody who want to do the memorial ?

Generic: mel should definitely be in charge, if she will

Wolvie: I'm so sorry

MeL: of what Generic, hah

panne: i think that lady pippin did that  since a few years back, but she became ill last year as well

Generic: the memorial

Arsène: yes Wolfie it is so sad

Wolvie: was it covid possibly?

MeL: I havent build one of them in many years. suppose I can

MeL: we dont know yet, wolvie

Generic: like riding a bicycle, mel

MeL: they wont tell anybody anything unless you are a family member

MeL: hhah

Wolvie: thank you for checking on him, even if it was too late

Lady FireHeart: did mondo have family?

Arsène: Mel do you agree to do the memorial for Mondo ? I can help if needed

MeL: ok sure... where?

Arsène: around the currend Lz maybe

MeL: most of his family is dead.. he only had 1 sister and she died years ago.

MeL: ok

Lady FireHeart: oh wow

MeL: he has a nephew, but, Iam not sure where

Lady FireHeart: ok brb again

Arsène: Mel if you agree try to find a good place in or around the currend Lz for the memorial and ask Chris to erase ground to build

Generic: k

Wolvie: tell you the truth, it might be better to skip a year of the gz contest

MeL: the memorial will be a ways off from the current LZ.. mondo cover quiet a bit of land

Ko Toff: does anyone have a list of all the landing zones and what period they served as the primary landing zone?

MeL: ok Arsene

Arsène: wolvie we will wait next meeting in september to decide

Arsène: thank you Mel, dont hesitate to ask if you need help

Generic: Mondo had links at his LZ, but I don't remember dates, Ko Toff

MeL: others are thinking the same Wolvie but, by the time this round of the contest is done, a NewLZ wont be in effect till jan 2024... so that leaves the curent LZ for a bit longer

MeL: his new one, Generic ?

MeL: its not finished

MeL: but, here is the cords  6633.74N 14953.25E 0.92a 316

Generic: yes, he had links to the old LZ's in one of his pavilions

MeL: ohh

Arsène: thank you for the coord Mel I will give them again in the forum next week

Ko Toff: I am thinking it would be nice to include a "Portal of Time" room in the new landing zones that allow users to visit past LZ's

MeL: sure, just note,, its not finished

Arsène: ok

MeL: good idea  Ko Toff

Generic: yes

Ko Toff: I will replicate it on one of my builds, if I can get the information

Arsène: ok good

MeL: I dont know which one but, there is a building at the current LZ mondo put teleports to diff worlds and past LZ's

MeL: he made me test the teleport =)

Arsène: yes mel near the entry point

Arsène: or first we wait the next meeting on september 17th to decide for the building contest this year and building a memorial for Mondo

Arsène: ok

MeL: I will start on the memorial,, err find a place for it

Arsène: Mel dont speed yourself take your time

MeL: nods'

Arsène: thank you for your efforts Mel it is cool

MeL: =)

Generic: maybe near roland vilett's?

MeL: I still have those cords to roland too

Generic: his is a very beautiful memorial, but with some broken links :(

Arsène: for the contest you have 5 months more to build your project

Arsène: we need more participants

MeL: If anybody wishes to take part in the contest.. gram Arsene right?

panne: AW 4387S 3669E 1a 90

Arsène: we have 4 x 200 credits to start your project

Arsène: to help you stard your project

panne: on position AW 4387S 3669E 1a 90, you have the memorial area with keshi,  roland, cleet ,etc

MeL: ok panne, ty

Arsène: dont hesitate to send me a tgram or a mail at :

Generic: k

Arsène: the prizes are interesting this year

ShadowG: i seen that

MeL: prizes are a bunch of hugh teddy bears  =)

Generic: very generous

Arsène: 1st - 1500 credits, 2nd - 1000, 3rd - 800, 4th - 500, 5th - 200, 6th - 100, 7th - 100

MeL: nice

Arsène: thanks again to all the anonymous donators

Arsène: you can find all the information about the contest in the forum

ShadowG: anyone wanting to attend the meeting;  http://teleport.cgi?AW_7204n_14901e_1.2a

Arsène: does anyone have questions at this point ?

Generic: it seems very clear, Arsene

ShadowG: not i

Arsène: :)

Arsène: does anyone have something to add for this meeting ?

MeL: no

Arsène: ok the last word ?

Arsène: you will find the resume of the meeting in the forum next week

MeL: Thank you, Arsene

Generic: ty, as always

Arsène: thank you all for coming

Arsène: see you in september and dont hesitate to contact me

MeL: =)

Arsène: we finish the meeting here

Generic: bonne nuit

Arsène: bonne nuit generic :)

ShadowG: thank you arsene

Wolvie: thank you Arsene

Arsène: your welcome it is a pleasure

MeL: I shall go check out roland, keshi memorial area

Arsène: ok see you later mel

Generic: going to 6633.74N 14953.25E 0.92a 316, later everyone

Arsène: see you generic

Generic: later, Arsene

ShadowG: afk

Arsène: ok

McBanny: mommers

McBanny: sends larry to find the foxes

McBanny: go larry gooo!

McBanny: he gets in a go-cart :$

Newjundiaius: Hi Lady Fireheart

MeL: Howdy Banny Goooserrrr

Newjundiaius: Hi MeL

McBanny: mel foxerrrrrrrrr

McBanny: reads about skincare stuff that protects against bluelight exposure from screens ...

McBanny: knowss the red light therapy help that

McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeee

MeL: hahaha

McBanny: good thing I not been out in sun alot in past 15 years

McBanny: cause I didnt know all this stuff

McBanny: if I were being outside today in morning like after work the way the sun where

McBanny: knowing what I know now I would have an SPF

McBanny: never used that stuff though but now I knowww

MeL: too much sun isnt good

McBanny: sleek beak

McBanny: for all the foxers to see

McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

MeL: haha

McBanny: listens to smooth beats

McBanny: and weeets

Newjundiaius: Hi Banny

Newjundiaius: Hi Banny

McBanny: imagines going down a desert road ..... with larry and fred with me.....

McBanny: and freds sticking his head outta window smiling

McBanny: newgooooser

Newjundiaius: oh

McBanny: monolithic - head over heels

McBanny: so chillllllll

McBanny: taps me tallons

McBanny: and larry taps his lil feeets

MeL: break time

McBanny: larry goes for a swim

McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeee

MeL: that sounds good, a swim

McBanny: fred swims too

MeL: ahah

McBanny: larry uses surfboard

McBanny: rides the waves that fred makes !

.Vampyre.: Where is everyone?

MeL: Hey Vampyre  =)

cheryl351987: yes ok,  make some pop corn

MeL: Iam working on Mondo's Memorial

cheryl351987: gn all

MeL: have to make it big enough for sereval people to build here

Generic: mel, is it around roland's?

MeL: yes.. to the east of his

MeL: jackson just left

Generic: beautiful landscaping, mel

MeL: tks..=)

MeL: ok

MeL: when Iam finished. I will announce it to the community

MeL: Iam slow. I havent build in so long, haha

Generic: i couldn't tell, mel

MeL: =)

MeL: yall make it home, yet.. vampyre?

MeL: good deal  =)

MeL: yeah, he did. he gram me and said he wanted to put a memorial in future for mondo.. told him that silver said something about a statue in neua in honor of mondo.. then jackson was gone, hah

MeL: I thought so also =)

Generic: color did a great job with her memorial to Roland, but her sitting people need readjusting

MeL: she's a good builder

Generic: she's excellent, they must have changed something about sitting, now they are all elevated above the chairs, i've noticed it before

MeL: I notice at my build in alpha, the avatars was sitting up higher

MeL: 4387S 3669E 1a 90   I think

Generic: will go see

MeL: yw

.Vampyre.: Oh! Not far from Mondo's...

MeL: panne gave those cords at the meeting

MeL: nah.. not too far.. rolands is here too in this area

MeL: roland use to work for AWI, I Blieve

.Vampyre.: Ok.

MeL: Believe


MeL: yeah

McBanny: wings span

McBanny: vampyre beakker

.Vampyre.: Banny!  :)

A W I E N Z: Group Rides Available

Generic: Mauz, I've read her history pages

MeL: yeah

Charlies: back

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


I believe the Tully area needs a group like toastmasters

We  live in a world where we hear   how important it is to have a voice.

I realized recently that you really cannot rely on mentors to help.

 The best person to help you is You.

People want to help and can only do so much. They are not mind readers.

My goal for this local group  is to focus on  You.

We cannot become an official toastmaster  group until enough interest has been raised which is why i need community input and a serious number of interested people to respond.

resource 1 
 a typical meeting

resource 2

one requirement when we have serious interest is to partner with another group to help us get started.

One group meets online only and their open house is on  Tuesday June 27th at 7pm.
join me by 6:30  so we are ready for the meeting to start at 7pm  or ask for the link to attend virtually.

I ask any interested people to
 join me   at  Christ Chapel  4862 rt 80 Tully NY  

and we can participate in this group meeting by observing what they do and consider any questions we have for going forward,

Meeting online has been a new world way of hosting meetings.
There is also a need for in person meetings to return to the new normal methods of conversation.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

new system

the universe fleet was sent to another system a new system to explore.

The amplified was sent to map out the system before the mega station hub arrived. After the hub arrives other ships are approved to explore. A colony ship and starship designed for more in-depth study arrives.

Many ways you can join in. (MysticStar -the colony ship ranger or the starship mission - Amplified Deepspace9)
1 Hologram from Deepspace 9 simply visit from the station as a hologram
2 actually join the fleet by taking the stargate from Deep space 9 to the mega station 555 the hub station.

Friday, May 26, 2023

basic quest

we had a crew of 4  explore  the  universe starship    before kolath took the controls     taking us to warp   through  romulan space  .   we entered orbit of cyawards  historic site of   the AW Awards .     epic city builds  for  presentation of awards and the ball room  for the after party.       After the  mission   the starship  brought the crew   home safely.      stay tuned for  a cruise  in the stars themed   event  coming soon.     if interested in tickets   send a telegram

Monday, May 8, 2023

a meeting about underworld threats in the land of Draeda 5-7 -23



* Activeworlds chat session: Sun May 7, 2023 3:53 PM *



* Activeworlds chat session: Sun May 7, 2023 3:53 PM *


 I see Astral Dragon, Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, shadow2k0, Charlies

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 Stayjit: Whaytsall this food on the ground ?

 Vampara: In case anyone gets hungry during the meeting

 Chumana: thank you, Vampara

 shadow2k0: bloody meat mmmmm.

 Vampara: *nods*

 Vampara: Well, just fish and foo melons...

 Vampara: all of it is cooked

 shadow2k0: k.

 ShadowG: the meeting will start in 5 minutes

 shadow2k0: hmm :)

 ShadowG: at the GZ

 Stayjit: Hmmmm, where is the Empress I wonder

 Astral Dragon: the meeting is for citizens?

 ShadowG: Empress Mel has grammed earlier and said shes been sick all weekend and may not be able to attend, but will try

 shadow2k0: i just need to go to the toilet.

 Stayjit: Are there any Neuans present ?

 ShadowG: the meeting is for citizens and all who enter the lands of Draeda, as the threat is to all who travel in and about the lands

 ShadowG: High Priest Mondo is here, yes

 Vampara: *looks at Mondo*

 Astral Dragon: there is a threat in the lands, I am not aware of that

 Mondo: *pays attention*

 Mondo: I are present

 ShadowG: the meeting has begun, i thank you all for being here

 Stayjit: * waves the Xian banner *

 ShadowG: this is a meet to speak about a threat in our lands. Empress Mel has brought it up several times and has asked for a meeting about it. to bring our people of the lands together

 ShadowG: Greeting King Vampyre

 Vampara: Greetings King Vampyre

 .Vampyre.: Greetings.

 shadow2k0: this is great.

 Mondo: MeL's concerns were that a powerful threat will require the combined efforts of all the cities united together

 ShadowG: altho, the Empress has been ill and can not make it, as far as i know, i will have the meeting logged and another short meeting set soon, for those who could not attend today,

  and also to see how things have progressed

 ShadowG: the Underworld King has been out and about and causing much trouble

 ShadowG: thoughts anyone? address your concerns here now, so we may get a better understanding on what is going on, and how we can deal with this

 Stayjit: .. I havnt seen any troubles, he seems to seek other Cities.

 ShadowG: i have heard there were Neua'an cattle taken to Kao and slaughtered there. this was one concern of the Empress

 Charlies: do we know when this started     is it related to baal

 Vampara: His paralyze spell is quite strong, and the resist paralysis spell doesn't last very long.

 ShadowG: a very good question, i have also asked this

 Stayjit: Took them three weeks to dispose of the dead cows too

 Stayjit: Didnt he banish BAAL from the Underworld ?

 Vampara: It started when a man named Lord Gavin came to these lands quite some time ago...he was posessed by Baal, and at first Baal could only manifest through him.

 Stayjit: Lord Gavin could cause trouble all by hemself if I remember

 shadow2k0: What we were on about was people too bad too be re-awoken.

 shadow2k0: king arthur .

 ShadowG: i, myself, have seen the Underworld King only once, and from a distance

 Vampara: There was also a wizard involved, but eventually the demons were able to manifest on their own, and the Underworld King himself was able to come into the lands.

 I see Astral Dragon, Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, shadow2k0, Charlies, .Vampyre.

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 .Vampyre.: I traversed these lands late last night and was attacked by the Underworld King. He used some sort of new spell that transported me to a strange place,

  It also robbed me of all mana and nutrition. A powerful spell indeed.

 Stayjit: Awww. Vampyre needs a hug.

 shadow2k0: i nearly became one. .

 shadow2k0: but then it was nothing

 Astral Dragon: might need to be here more, I have seen none of this

 ShadowG: the power he shows to have, is great indeed. we can not allow this to continue. what could be done about this Underworld King??

 Stayjit: I have consulted with a few Xians, and I have a plan

 Vampara: He was too fast for me to kill last time, and I kept getting paralyzed.

 Charlies: i happened to be on when vampara had an altercation   more training is needed  for those not  ready to fight

 Charlies: grow strengths

 Chumana: agrees

 ShadowG: dare i ask about this plan, Prime Minister?

 ShadowG: Greetings panne

 Stayjit: Since the Underworld King hasnt caused troubled for Xia, we might do well to make peace with him anyway

 Chumana: Greeings panne

 panne: hi shadowg

 panne: hi chumana

 Stayjit: We have an empty temple, he could live there and be our pal

 Stayjit: On condition he not attack Xians of course. The rest of the Cities are SOL

 Mondo: choose wisely...

 ShadowG: Peace is always a good thing in these lands. I would say to make peace with this Underworld King would be good, what price? has he not entered these lands and attacked people of Draeda??

 Vampara: You think the Underworld King would honor that? You said yourself that you're not usually here when he attacks.

 Charlies: what do  underworld want   our mana

 ShadowG: should we bow down and agree to every threat that comes in?

 Stayjit: Ah, but I think the Underworls King has always had a soft spot for Xia and Xians

 Stayjit: And although he is still the Underworld King, he may think of the Xian temple as his vacation home

 ShadowG: (LOL)

 Vampara: You seem to forget he had kidnapped and cursed your queen...

 Stayjit: This is an Xian solution.Im not sure the other cities wouild agree with the arrangement

 Stayjit: He kidnapped me too. But I had a penthouse and pizza

 Vampara: Your queen was not so fortunate.

 Mondo: perhaps we forget that the friend of our enemy is our enemy also

 ShadowG: we should fight this Underworld King, and find his weakness. we can not allow entrance to these lands if one merely decides to come in and attack our good people!

 .Vampyre.: As I remember, he kidnapped Queen Nefertitii AND SilverShadow.

 Stayjit: Sometimes we cause our own troubles in this world. But Xians can turn a new leaf and start anew

 Vampara: I've had the most luck attacking him with my sword of Leannah, it causes the most damage against him.

 Vampara: He just has a lot of health.

 Stayjit: I will speak about it to him when next I see him, after all, if you make a friend of an enemy, he's not an enemy anymore

 Vampara: Did you have luck with your bow, Mondo?

 Mondo: no, I did not

 Mondo: the damage was very small

 Mondo: I will try the crossbow next

 .Vampyre.: If I may interject, this King doesn't really fight. He is powerful with spells but has no weapons. Ganging up on him may kil him easier.

 Chumana: agrees

 Vampara: I think the two of us were the only ones fighting him too, at least at first. We may have had more success if we had more attackers.

 Stayjit: Xians would be safe if the King agreed to a temple. I must think of my Cits safety first

 ShadowG: i have not seen the demon BAAL in awhile. has he settled down any and left citizens in peace?

 Vampara: Just because your temple is locked, doesn't mean it is empty. For all I know, you Xi'ans might have something worse than the Underworld King trapped in there.

 Stayjit: BAAL seems content with his tent. Perhaps he has made friends with the Ripper

 Stayjit: Whatever is in thed Xian temple is known only to Xians.

 Vampara: Exactly

 Stayjit: But it woud make a fine vacation home for a wandering King

 panne: is there also a Neuan temple, of which the content is only known to Neuans ?

 ShadowG: i wonder if we can get BAAL on our side, to fight with us?

 Vampara: You can go into any of they cities' temples except for Xi'as

 Mondo: of course not, only the Xian temple is forbidden, all others are open

 panne: why is that ? seems unfair to me.

 Mondo: it's probably poisonous in there, who knows

 Vampara: Xi'ans are very secretive about their practices in magic.

 ShadowG: Greetings General Awienz

 Stayjit: Erobos has a longstanding temple. The other one is simply vacant. For now

 Chumana: Greetings Awienz

 ShadowG: we are speaking in a meeting about a threat to our lands

 A W I E N Z: Hey ok' Greets' Interesting

 Vampara: Baal does seem to like it more above ground.

 I see Astral Dragon, Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, .Vampyre., panne, A W I E N Z

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 Stayjit: Yes, if Xia extended the hand of friendship to the King, peace would come Xia that is..

 Vampara: Or you'd become his personal punching bags.

 Stayjit: The Empress would lodge complaints and hurl insults, but Xia comes first

 Chumana: the UWK did mention another threat, Lord Gavin will return, with a new name, to kill us all for revenge..

 Mondo: methinks Xia does not wish to cooperate in this endevour

 Vampara: When was this?

 Stayjit: oh nooo, if the King were to cause troulbles for Xians, we would have to evict him of course.

 Charlies: what happened to gavin

 ShadowG: and he be more powerful than you, how would you do this, Prime Minister?

 Stayjit: Yes, we were also told of a terrible threat coming off that boat by the farm

 Chumana: perhaps a month ago? but of course he could have been lying to all of us.

 Mondo: pandering to evil is not a long term survival strategy for Xia

 Stayjit: He would not be 'more powerful' in Xia, but he would be an Honored Guest

 Mondo: Underworld King would suddenly become hungry and just eat all the Xians that were at hand

 Chumana: (lol)

 .Vampyre.: lol

 Vampara: *smirks*

 Mondo: or turn Xians into possessed and owned

 .Vampyre.: He will certainly not be a guest in Kao'a.

 Vampara: I don't know why Gavin would return for revenge, either since we killed the wizard and lifted the curse on him.

 Stayjit: If the Honored Guest wanders to Kaoa, Xians are not responsible for any damage

 Mondo: but simply put, allowing Underworld King to habituate in Xia, would mean the end of the Xia kingdom, it would be owned by the Underworld King

 Mondo: it would no longer be yours, as Xia'ns

 Chumana: the UWK said a lot about Lord Gavin. What was his new name? Maybe someone took notes on that day.

 Mondo: you would become slaves, vassals to the dark and evil

 ShadowG: but, should he cause Xian's troubles, how would you evict him? an honored guest should not be troublesome, else not be honored

 Stayjit: As an Honored Guest, he owns nothing.

 Mondo: deals with the devil or demons, do not fair well

 Mondo: do not count on lies to sustain

 Stayjit: Free room and board, laundry on Tuesdays. Easy peasy

 .Vampyre.: lmao

 Chumana: but in the meantime, as we do not know of the UWK's plan, we should ban together and fight him. i think we could take him if we all worked hard to hone our skills

 Stayjit: an Honored Guest, if he were attacked within the walls, we would have to aid him

 .Vampyre.: I agre with Chumana.

 Stayjit: That is true, we do not know what HIS plans are and he is not here

 Chumana: most of us fall short, but together may work

 Vampara: If he is being protected by Xi'a, goes and kills in Kao'a, then returns to Xi'a, then I will go fight him in X'ia. If you want to try to protect him while he's in Xi'a,

  you will probably be caught in the crossfire.

 Chumana: someone also mentioned before that we may have to plan a lure to trap him. his spells are strong and can be cast from afar

 Stayjit: Na. You can stand outside the gate and yell, but if you enter, we must help our Homnored Guest

 Vampara: He tends not to stay within the city walls, I notice. He runs around the open lands mostly.

 ShadowG: mel had thoughts that dark magic was involved in the slaying of neuan cows. she could not be here to speak her thoughts more, but i for one,

  would like to hear more on it. she has also stated, more than once, that silvershadow has left their city, and was 'hearing voices' before he left, and feels the Underworld King is deeply involved.

 Mondo: I would agree

 ShadowG: the Underworld King.

 Chumana: i would agree also

 Mondo: or some other devious entity

 ShadowG: You, whom are in the lands, Underworld King, we speak of you now

 Vampara: It's not the first time Silver has left a city. He was Kao'an before he was Neuan, and he had left Kao'a since Neua needed a leader. As a Neuan, he was communing with Lord Ao.

 Stayjit: He has become a fine Xian Cit

 I see Astral Dragon, Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, A W I E N Z, The Underworld King

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 Stayjit: He has a nicer house than me even

 Stayjit: I live in a cave

 ShadowG: what is your business in these lands, Underworld King?

 Stayjit: Hs ears were burnin

 The Underworld King: [KILL]

 Chumana: great

 Mondo: I see that Xia has volunteered to be first....

 Stayjit: Kill who exactly ?

 ShadowG: Prime Minister!

 Mondo: ;)

 Chumana: although we are missing some great warriors here and now, we could practice (hehe)

 ShadowG: well, we can not have you killing our good people

 Stayjit: Would he like to talk, not kill, about a free temple-home in Xia ?

 ShadowG: nor our livestock, for that matter

 Vampara: *facepalm*

 Chumana: agrees with Queen Shadow

 ShadowG: we should take evasive action Now! he has said it, his business is to kill!!

 Stayjit: Im polishing in a Safe Zone

 Vampara: Stayjit, I really don't think your queen would appreciate Xi'a taking her once captor into her city's walls.

 ShadowG: we should prepare incase he comes for us!

 Stayjit: She'll come around to it

 Chumana: he must be near, yes prepare!

 Vampara: *draws sword and heads out*

 ShadowG: draws sword

 Chumana: perhaps he is high in a tree

 Chumana: *draws sword*

 Stayjit: Hey. Underworld King. When your done killing a few Kaoans, come talk to me

 Setting av to 3

 Charlies: /av 3

 Vampara: ...

 Chumana: im sure he uses camouflage, beware

 Vampara: Last time he did take the form of a child, yes.

 Chumana: nods, ok

 Chumana: Greetings Silver

 vvSilverShadowvv: Elo Chumana

 Chumana: get out your best weapons and armor

 vvSilverShadowvv: I am paralyzed

 Chumana: grrrr

 vvSilverShadowvv: I've done a lot of damage already, I need help

 (vvSilverShadowvv is wearing Earthen Armor, carrying a Shield of Might and armed with a Sword of Leannah.)

 Vampara: near the spiders

 shadow2k0: count me as one of the shadows.

 Vampara: sah..

 I see Astral Dragon, Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, A W I E N Z, The Underworld King, vvSilverShadowvv, shadow2k0

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 (Stayjit is wearing dragon scale, carrying a kite shield and armed with a sword of leannah.)

 Chumana: oh, he is hiding again

 Vampara: passing orda

 Chumana: oops

 vvSilverShadowvv: i hope so  *chuckles*

 Vampara: lost him..

 Vampara: oh, farm

 ShadowG: he is on the move

 Vampara: going towardXi'a

 Vampara: nwo swamps

 Vampara: now*

 Vampara: lost him close to Neua

 Stayjit: * guards the bridge to Xia *

 vvSilverShadowvv: *sniffs air for a scent*

 The Underworld King: ((won't work, am wearing deodorant lol)

 Vampara: ((lol))

 Chumana: (lol)

 vvSilverShadowvv: ((( LMAO finally !!! )())

 ShadowG: (lmaoo)

 The Underworld King: ((lmao))

 vvSilverShadowvv: *picks u-p on a stink pretty scent*

 Chumana: (hahaha)

 The Underworld King: ((pause))

 ShadowG: (K)

 The Underworld King: ((question...))

 ShadowG: (brb2)

 Vampara: ((i just cast resis paralysis >.<))

 Chumana: oh man

 ShadowG: (ok shoot)

 Chumana: (waits for it)

 Newjundiaius: thank you

 The Underworld King: (how do I get more mana? spells don't work on King))

 Mondo: out of luck on that....

 Chumana: (wow)

 Mondo: regenerate

 ShadowG: (um...more mana..what you mean?)

 Chumana: lets get 'em!!!

 Newjundiaius: burp

 ShadowG: (lolo chu)

 Vampara: ((boons to increase amount, but lots of different kinds of things to restore what you have))

 The Underworld King: ((hemp buds don't work)

 vvSilverShadowvv: ((( Fairy eggs, Hemp buds, Ordain Fine Wine)))

 ShadowG: (interesting)

 The Underworld King: ((none of those work on me))

 ShadowG: (they should be working)

 Mondo: ask the Prophet

 Vampara: ((weird, I keep using hemp buds to restore mine and they work. Maybe you're special :P))

 vvSilverShadowvv: ((( those things relenish mana not )))

 vvSilverShadowvv: ((( strike the not))

 Chumana: prolly never thought the UWK would need to restore

 The Underworld King: (pause Mondo lol))

 Vampara: ((yeah, thought you basically had a ton of mana and didn't need to restore, lol))

 Mondo: crossbow is weak....

 Chumana: yes

 The Underworld King: (Jackson said no speels work on me. It appears that means wines and fairy egs too)

 Chumana: (this is getting interesting... ahhh perhaps)

 The Underworld King: (mana started at 5000. I used a lot lol)

 Chumana: ohhh nods

 Vampara: ((yes, you are immune to magic spells. Found that out the first time we fought recently when my blast didn't work.))

 Stayjit: Here it is. The dusty empty temple. #1 Atropas Alley.

 vvSilverShadowvv: ((( no UWK, eggs, wine and hemp should work for you, hey are not spells )))

 vvSilverShadowvv: *looks at PM Stayjit*

 The Underworld King: The Underworld King's magic dissipates as it strikes you.

 Mondo: apparently coding says otherwise

 The Underworld King: That is what I get.

 Stayjit: Would the Underworld King be interested in becoming an Honored Guest  in Xia ?

 ShadowG: (hi zomb)

 zombiefan: hi shadow

 zombiefan: hi everybody

 Vampara: ((Probably need to talk to Jackson about that, Might be an all or nothing situation where either immune to all magic including restoration or not))

 Vampara: Greetings zombie

 Stayjit: Greetings Zombie

 zombiefan: hi vampara and stayjit

 The Underworld King: ((tried fairy eg. it disapeared. didn't work.))

 Chumana: Greetings zombie

 The Underworld King: (Jackson will have to rejuvenate me lol)

 Chumana: (lol)

 zombiefan: hi   chumana

 zombiefan: where you all at?

 Vampara: I'm between the spiders and Orda

 Vampara: I sense him close, but don't see him

 Chumana: we were chasing the UWK, but he is in a funk right now lol

 zombiefan: whats uwk ?

 Vampara: The Underworld King

 zombiefan: he run up debts and didnt pay?  lol

 Chumana: hahaha yes

 ShadowG: aghhhhhhhhhh

 Vampara: He likes to kills us....

 ShadowG: *tries to smite a child and fails

 ShadowG: tingly

 zombiefan: i see pretty fish models over here

 Chumana: we all gotta get at least 1 hit in... :)

 ShadowG: is that the best you got king??

 Vampara: lost him again...

 vvSilverShadowvv: swamps

 Stayjit: Hes not in Xia. Im here sweeping the empty temple steps

 ShadowG: (lmao)

 Chumana: ok

 Vampara: *rolls eyes*

 Charlies: might be me but the orb by gz is being different

 zombiefan: anybody know what happened to awreunion world?  I seen it vanished from the world list

 Vampara: Whoever posts this to the Grand tablets,

  please make sure to include all of what the Prime Minister is saying about The Underworld King staying in Xi'a so Queen Nefertitii can read his actions for herself..

 A W I E N Z: locked like others

 zombiefan: i might have to get a new world path next year

 Charlies: /who

 I see Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, A W I E N Z, The Underworld King, vvSilverShadowvv, zombiefan

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 ShadowG: (back..and zomb yea im not sure..rick is on, maybe he took it off..but duno)

 zombiefan: maybe chris took it down to work on it but i dont know for certain

 Chumana: dang, where he at now/

 A W I E N Z: under

 Chumana: i saw Silver in hot pursuit...then lost them

 Vampara: same

 ShadowG: i found him!

 Vampara: kao'a

 Use the /cook command first, to select something to put on the fire.

 Vampara: sah

 Vampara: oda

 Vampara: ords

 Vampara: err orda

 Sending you to the meeting...

 Charlies: /meeting

 vvSilverShadowvv: Lkost him

 vvSilverShadowvv: Lost him by orda

 Charlies: /gz

 You have left the city of Orda.

 vvSilverShadowvv: But he is bleeding

 Vampara: got him out of the bushes

 vvSilverShadowvv: Lost him bt teh temple of leannah

 Vampara: xi'a

 vvSilverShadowvv: Wher are all these great hunters?

 ShadowG: on his trail

 Vampara: yep

 vvSilverShadowvv: 3 of us

 Vampara: I must have missed him..

 Vampara: He was going around Xi'a

 vvSilverShadowvv: ((( I need to go, that was fun !! )))

 Mondo: bingo

 Mondo: got him

 Vampara: ((see ya later))

 Chumana: tc Silver

 Chumana: get 'em Mondo

 Mondo: he was attacking ShadowG and I ran up behind him from out of the ocean

 Mondo: he is dead

 The Underworld King: ((great job!)

 Vampara: Good job

 Chumana: wooot!!

 Chumana: great job!!

 zombiefan: brb

 Mondo: whew

 Behold the mystical dark city of Xi'a

 Mondo: scary stuff, lol

 Vampara: That was good teamwork, everyone who participated got some hits in, I think.

 Chumana: yes, but now we know it can be done!

 I see Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, A W I E N Z, The Underworld King, zombiefan

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 Behold the mystical dark city of Xi'a

 You have entered the city of Xi'a.

 Behold the mystical dark city of Xi'a

 Stayjit: Except the PM who was washing the temple windows

 Behold the mystical dark city of Xi'a

 ShadowG: (lmao)

 Vampara: Hence why I said everyone who participated

 Chumana: does everyone have "cure"

 Vampara: Yes

 Mondo: did anyone lose items?

 Mondo: I did win them back

 Chumana: not i, Mondo

 Vampara: Not I

 The Underworld King: ((I lost a lot lol))

 Chumana: (lol)

 ShadowG: LOL

 Mondo: wasn't much at all

 Mondo: pocket change

 ShadowG: (underworld king be like.....i died...but more stuf is gone!)

 Lady FireHeart: ((I apologize for missing the meeting....Finn got his first bath cause he got into the bentonite mud at the lake))

 Chumana: so now we also know that he has to be worn down... this is awesome

 ShadowG: greetings high priestess (and lol)

 Vampara: ((sounds like Stayjit....I killed Jackson for this stuff, but now it's gone from me!))

 Mondo: ack, need to see the bank...

 Lady FireHeart: Greetings my Queen

 Chumana: (boy im starving in rl lol.. bbl :)

 Chumana: and hello LF :)

 Lady FireHeart: Greeting General Chu

 Vampara: ((brb))

 Charlies: /who

 I see Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, A W I E N Z, The Underworld King, zombiefan, Lady FireHeart

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 You have left the city of Xi'a.

 You have entered the city of Xi'a.

 ShadowG: (dangit im gona go eat)

 Lady FireHeart: ((lmfao))

 Lady FireHeart: ((brb))

 Vampara: ((b))

 Mondo: UK is back in Kaoa

 Mondo: like a yoyo, keeps coming back

 Charlies: /gz

 You have left the city of Xi'a.

 Vampara: ((...Did he just get killed by one of our robbers' traps? lol))

 A W I E N Z: back in his crib chugn brew

 Vampara: zombie, you realize you're standing on food, right? *smirks*

 Lady FireHeart: ((back))

 Vampara: ((wb))

 Lady FireHeart: ((ty))

 Vampara: ring around the mundane...

 Lady FireHeart: what be happening in Draeda

 The Underworld King: lol

 Vampara: lost him..

 Vampara: Orda

 Vampara: too many walls, can't find him..

 Vampara: ...So Orda is apparently the perfect place for him to hide, I can't find him through this maze of a city...

 The Underworld King: I see you...

 Vampara: Of course you do

 The Underworld King: It is fun to roam a city whose citizens are away..

 Vampara: ...always hated all of these walls...

 Vampara: walls...huh..

 Vampara: not that way...

 The Underworld King: I see AWIENZ.

 Lady FireHeart: bbl gonna go find food

 A W I E N Z: on ya

 The Underworld King: I am at a big window looking out at all of you.

 Mondo: so I get hit at mundane safe zone with 4 hits of flame

 Mondo: ok, I'll remember that

 Vampara: If you're in combat mode, you're not safe

 Mondo: combat isn't on right now, and I didn't get killed, soooo....

 Mondo: porbably was not on

 Mondo: probably even

 Vampara: found the grapes..

 The Underworld King: (you can't see me...nyaa nyaa lol)

 The Underworld King: (here is a hint. I am in someone's home)

 zombiefan: i been helping with garden stuff outside  :D

 McBanny: mammers ?

 McBanny: zombie foxieeeee

 zombiefan: hi mcb!

 McBanny: seees larry eyeing a sword ....

 Vampara: on the wall, General

 McBanny: vampara foxieee

 Vampara: Not now McBanny

 Short Cut: hi vamp

 Vampara: lost him...

 Short Cut: crap i missed the meeting here

 McBanny: whys whys

 McBanny: foxerooooooooo

 Short Cut: hi Mc

 Vampara: lost him somewhere on the Ordan wall

 zombiefan: anybody know what happened to awreunion world?

 Short Cut: no idea

 Vampara: I never go there, so no

 McBanny: shortcut beaker

 I see Newjundiaius, ShadowG, Vampara, Mondo, Chumana, Stayjit, Charlies, The Underworld King, zombiefan, Jesse K, Short Cut, McBanny, A W I E N Z

 (To also see bots, say "/who all".)

 Charlies: /who

 McBanny: mamamroos

 The Underworld King: what the...

 Vampara: ((I don't think that's supposed to happen, lol))

 The Underworld King: (me either lol)

 Vampara: Seems the Ordan Garden hales groundhogs or seems to be all dug up here..

 Vampara: Has*

 Vampara: and lost him again..

 Vampara: man overboard

 McBanny: calm wings

 McBanny: sees fred ... in the hammock

 Mondo: farm

 Mondo: xia

 Mondo: leannah

 Mondo: neua

 Mondo: zzzz

 Stayjit: Ah well, if the Underworld King is not interested in Xia's best offer for Peace, I suppose we must ne enemies.

 Vampara: ((afk))

 zombiefan: bbq him on a fire?

 zombiefan: its getting dark in here :O

 Stayjit: Yes, it gets dark quickly

 zombiefan: anybody heard from chris yet?

 Stayjit: I havnt

 zombiefan: wondering where awreunion went

 ShadowG: im back, but eating

 ShadowG: are ppl waiting on chris to say what happened to awrenunion

 zombiefan: i was just wondering where it went

 McBanny: takes me vitamins

 ShadowG: is he your enemy now, stayj? lol

 McBanny: shadow foxerooooooooooooooooooo

 ShadowG: hi banny

 McBanny: sees larry opening vitamin bottle...

 McBanny: LARRRY??!!!!

 McBanny: all you had to do was ask!!!

 McBanny: approves larry for 5 vitamins

 McBanny: he smiles

 McBanny: noo noooo

 zombiefan: cant kill zombies they are already dead :D

 ShadowG: omg

 ShadowG: dont you dare touch that zombie girl!

 zombiefan: hehe

 zombiefan: kings breath stinks  lol

 The Underworld King: [KILL]

 ShadowG: LMAO omg

 ShadowG: zomb! whyyyyyyyy

 zombiefan: tee hee

 ShadowG: awww but she died

 zombiefan: im already dead any way tee hee

 The Underworld King: lol

 ShadowG: oyea

 zombiefan: he didnt even burn my hair :D

 zombiefan: teehee

 ShadowG: lolo

 McBanny: NOO

 McBanny: hears thunder

 McBanny: noo noo

 McBanny: leaves cookies for underworld king

 McBanny: and ice cream bars

 zombiefan: spray paints kings head pink  lol

 The Underworld King: [takes cookies and smiles]

 McBanny: yeeeeeeeeeeee

 zombiefan: this dungeon is cheaply made.  I could get out with a butter knife  :D

 A W I E N Z: TUK is getting warmed up another round

 zombiefan: lol

 zombiefan: i got brains to fry.  See you all later  :D

 ShadowG: LOL cya later zomb

 Vampara: ((b))

 ShadowG: wb

 ShadowG: about finished eating

 A W I E N Z: cake too

 ShadowG: lol dont have cake

 ShadowG: ham, corn, mashd taters, alfredo pasta

 ShadowG: n brb

 Vampara: and he's gone...

 Vampara: *sheathes sword*

 McBanny: aghhhhhhhh

 ShadowG: and thats the end of the meeting

 ShadowG: LOL