Wednesday, November 29, 2023

fleet update

The mega stations were recalled 

Without a command base 
The active fleet starship Replikas is appointed lead ship.
One duty of the starship is to checkup on runabout teams
its normal for teams to travel for months without checking in. It's the true freedom of exploration.  

The universe fleet had undercover teams study what appeared as a primitive culture of a planet.  They had no knowledge of the outside world.  Belived in magic powers.
The more they studied the more they got involved in the society. 

Eventually they made contact with the ruling parties of the lead cities. They stayed at deepspace9 for a week.

The magic was more than magic. It was technology way beyond known civilizations.

It began to fail them.   Without intervention from the fleet the  civilization would be lost in time .

The undercover team is missing has failed to send required updates.

What's worse a follow up team from the active fleet.   Also missing.    The Replikas needs to see to this case personally..

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Qua'd update

Time passes differently in different parts of Draeda.
The demon birds still protect the main land of awrpg when ships go close.
Future Draeda is locked to us.

Those we find are brought to Qua'd.
out in the west ocean at 1492 west.
ships enter the cloaked city.
even on the ocean sea creatures plague us .

We had contact with sea people but humans were too different and they stopped coming to the surface .  They still can be seen in the water.  Watching... 

People of Draeda fend for themselves.

there are now four towns in Qua'd.
odra claimed the first settlement.
they scavenged 9 ships and modified their engine to generate a cloak .

To the outside
The sea monsters still find their way past the cloak. We haven't figured out how 

deposits in the huts. A fungus is growing. 

Could be a connection to why the sea creatures get through.
Spells used to mask Qua'd:
Teleport (20/5)
Magically transports the caster to the location where they last cast the Marker spell. Note: teleport tokens can be used in place of the caster's own memory to contain the magical anchor created by a Marker spell ("/enchant teleport token"), and then used like the Teleport spell ("/use teleport token #1"). Enchanting and using tokens requires magic skill and mana (the user of the token is essentially casting Marker and Teleport, using the token as an ingredient of the spell), and tokens can only be used by the person who enchanted them.
Leap (30/2)
Causes the caster to leap high into the air.*
Transport (40/10)
Magically transports the caster
Spells of Conjuration
Cloud (30/8)
Creates a cloud of obscurement in the area around the caster.
Morph (90/20)
Allows the caster to change their outward appearance temporarily. Note that monsters may not attack one of their own...
/c morph : goblin
/c morph : shadow creature
/c morph : sah ripper
Oasis (25/5)
Causes a small magical water hole to appear by the caster.
In the story the source of  individual magic came from polishing gems into crystals then buying spells or finding boons. The magic of the Land itself came from the Gods but was never really explained. The Temple crystals were manifestations of their magic but not the source.
The Gods never met up that I know of, they were often in conflict with each other especially regarding Erebos.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

active runabout 1

Runabout team is sent to check in with the land of Draeda.
The craft is forced to land over water where the mer folk are alerted to the presence of aliens.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

active fleet

Charlies 364315

Always something going on.
The lead ship of the active fleet the Replikas

Aw mystic lands is a growing land
Active city
Oceans rpg the oceans of Draeda the lands of AWRPG and future rpg 
the land is locked in a time spell. Frozen in time. 
As we check in with Draeda we find time changes occurs.  Different from the rest of the universe.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Lady pippin

During my down the memory lane tour aw 5407.48N 5100.37W 0.57a 180,( Old teleport list from 2002 ) I found a story I think is worth to be here:

"P.S. I searched for an online community to be able to talk with people all over the world, which has been my hobby in various forms since 1975.
I found out about what was then called "Alpha World" around 1995. I was searching for an online community and did a Yahoo! search. Alpha World came up, I downloaded it, but can't recall if I ever registered through email.
I had a 386 with 4 megs of ram (updated from 2 which cost $80.00 at the time). The program took up nearly all of my harddrive space so I had to delete it.
In 1997, someone mentioned for me to try Active Worlds in a Pow Wow chat room. At that time I had just purchased a PB with enough ram and harddrive space, so I downloaded the program, and became a citizen on Friday November 7, 1997 4:04PM.
My first object
Heart Lane - A tourist object Sat Nov 8, 1997 2:33 PM
This object is still in Alpha World (has not been deleted).
I own one world, FiveGene which is the smallest world AW offers to experiment with as a hobby.

My house in this community (Click Here to Visit) combines old and new AW models. This was not done by accident. teleport 5425.82N 5100.12W 0.00a 228

The use of Pan Objects (which I used for the frame of my house) were among the first offered in Alpha World in which to build.
Triangle pieces were used for my walk, which were not offered until much later. I recall having a house I built with an angled walk early on in my citizen days.
I had to overlap pieces, which did not look well, but back then we were pretty limited regarding objects. The use of the Indian Statues represents happy days in Yellowstone in 1998 building an object yard. : ) (Click here to visit.) teleport yellow 989.78N 328.86W 0.00a 93
My house here represents combining the old and the new, the memory of a Yellowstone build, the memory of what was my main home in Alpha World, the memory of my existing home (close to my first object) and Birde Perch represents a place close to AW GZ that I sat and watched chat as the Birde avatar. (To visit, first change your avatar to Birde so you'll sit on the perch correctly, then Click Here.) teleport 3.7N 0.5W 0.4a 191

First citizen object
Sun Nov 9, 1997
12:59 PM
Cit Name The Lady